How to Get Spray Paint off Your Hands?remove paint nails?
-Take a hot shower as soon as you are finished with the painting.
-Use bar soap or liquid soap, according to your choice. Lather up a regular fingernail brush.
-Attempt to get as much paint off from your fingernails, but if you find you can't then just leave it. After many other hand washes this will come off as well. (Try to take other showers through that day if the paint does not come off the first time.)
-Spray Carborator Cleaner on you hands. Do not let it soak wipe with paper towel. This trick is more for if you have large spots of spray paint on your skin.
-Wash the area with soap. It will sting your skin. Wash with warm water and soap then wait a minute for the stinging to quit. This might not work well if you have sensitive skin.
Goo Gone® also works very well on fresh paint on hands and doesn't leave oily residue.
It is a good idea to wear gloves while painting.