Paint Simple
-Draw simple designs or objects. Use a brush with a very thin tip to paint an outline of the object or design you’re painting. A nail art pen will work well for this too. You could also use items around your home, such as a toothpick.
-Fill it in your outline. You can use the same brush or a slightly thicker one to fill in your outline, either with the same color or with a new one. Apply one color at a time, and if your outline is a different color than the fill, allow the outline to dry first. Reapply paint to the brush as needed, and let each color dry before adding a new one. Add other colors to make new designs or add good highlights. Once your first color is dry, you can add other colors either on top of the first or in other places on the nail.
-Go easy on yourself and do simple dots. Never underestimate the power of a simple dot of nail polish. The most gorgeous designs are sometimes made with a multitude of dots varying in colours and sizes. Dip a striper brush, toothpick, or pin into the desired color. You can create dots of varying sizes by using thinner or thicker-tipped implements. Lightly touch the implement to the nail.
-Manipulate dots as desired. You can use dots to make abstract designs or any pictures you would like to add. To make trailing dots, dip the implement in the paint once and apply several dots with it without reapplying paint. The dots will get smaller with each dot since less paint will remain on the implement. To make a simple flower, arrange five dots of one color in a circle with a dot of another color in the center. You can add a stem by painting a thin, curved, green line leading to the flower. You can also use your fine-tipped implement to drag the paint out from the wet dot to create rays, swirls, and other designs. You can also create your own designs to your fashion. All designs look great!
-To make leaves or flowers, take a tiny 'square' tipped brush and dip one corner into -for example- dark green, and the other corner of the brush into a lighter green.
-Make a Nike swish-like stroke onto the nail. You will see that it makes what resembles leaves, depending on how you angle the brush.
-Practice it on a piece of paper. If you use other colors, it will make what looks like flower petals. Practice so you know how to do it.
Blend Colors on the Nail
-Apply a dot of one colour.
-Use a clean toothpick to apply a dot of another colour on top of the first dot while the first dot is still wet.
Water Marbling
-Fill a shallow, wide-mouthed cup or bowl about 90 percent full with water.
-Add desired colors of paint to the water. Have your paints open and ready to go, as they will harden quickly on the surface of the water. Drop a drop or two of the colors you want to use on top of the water. A high-quality nail polish works best for this method.
-Create the marbled design in the water. Repeatedly drag a pin or toothpick through the surface.
-Use a cotton swab to remove the excess polish from the surface while your nail is still submerged in the water.
-Remove nail from water and use a cotton swab (with acetone if necessary), to clean up the edges and remove polish from the finger.
-Use tweezers or a special applicator to dip small jewel or sticker into a drop of nail gel or nail glue. You can buy specially made jewels and stickers from nail art supply stores, or you can use your own — just make sure they are small and have flat bottoms.
-Place jewel or sticker flat onto the nail. Press down gently and allow to dry.
-Cover nail (and jewel or sticker) with clear gloss top coat. This will ensure that your jewel/sticker stays on longer before falling/chipping off.
Applying Glitter (3 methods)
Mix glitter with nail gel or paint. Dip brush into mixture and brush the mixture onto the nail in desired shape or pattern. Let dry and apply top coat.
2 Apply nail gel on nail only where you want to apply glitter. Dust the nail with glitter and lightly shake to remove excess. Allow the gel and glitter to dry, and use a small implement to remove any glitter that you don’t want. Apply top coat.
3Cover entire nail with nail gel or polish. Dust with glitter. Allow to dry and apply top coat.
You can make a more intricate flower by making larger dots with the bobby pin and using a toothpick to drag the dots into the center.
If you want a design or picture that’s more intricate than what you can do on your own, but you don’t want to pay a professional to do your nail art, you can buy stickers or pre-printed artificial nails.
You can also airbrush your nails and use stencils or masks to create designs.
Start with something simple. Don’t try painting a miniature copy of the Mona Lisa on your first try: you’ll only mess up and get put off! Try flowers and letters, and build up gradually to complex designs.
Make sure each color of nail art is completely dry before starting another color (unless you’re trying to blend them); if the first color is still wet it will smudge and ruin your art.
Use different implements for different colors, or clean your brush or tool between each color, just as you would clean a paintbrush when you change colors.
Never underestimate the usefulness of household items: a great tool to use is a tip of a bobby-pin. Bend it and you have a priceless tool that is almost just like the ones that they use in the nail shops.
It is not necessary to use brush, you can even use your eye linear as a brush.
If you don't have tiny gemstones, scrunched up tinfoil looks just as good.
If you want to do a cheaper way of crackle without having to buy the actual stuff get for example orange and pink nail varnish put the pink nail varnish on one nail and very quickly before it dries put a coat of orange nail varnish on. Also pink and purple look great , black and red.
Some people may be allergic to some nail products. If you experience an adverse reaction to a product, thoroughly wash your hands, use acetone to remove it if necessary, and discontinue using the product.
Acetone and many nail polishes give off fumes and are flammable. Use in a well-ventilated area, and avoid fire, sparks, or smoking around these products or while they are wet on your nails.