Toning Massage


tonic massage
invigorating,toning massage,tonic massagedeep tissue massage

Activation of blood circulation

Awakening of muscle contractile properties
To prepare the muscles ideally, before unusual physical activity / point

Preconditioning muscular and circulatory systems before physical activity

Assiduous athletes are familiar with the transition, often painful, between a resting activity and occasional physical stress.
The usual techniques of heating are intended to meet this need to enable a gradualphysiological functions involved in physical stress point. This physiological need is alsovery desirable for moderate but unusual physical stress, as is frequently the case for most of us (hiking, biking, jogging, etc..).
tonic massage the program provides an ideal benefit from the perspective of a conditioning optimal muscle circulatory and before any type of physical exertion. Itavoids the uncomfortable sensations - usually experienced during the first minutes ofunusual physical exertion - and limit the consequences secondary to inadequate preparation (aches, etc..).