elements massage

Elements Massage
Getting the Right Massage Treatment

Are you experiencing back pain? Are you going through a lot of stresses lately? Have you been having headaches that seem to start from your upper back or the back of your neck? Has your back been feeling like the only relief you can get is to twist it around several times a day? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then what you may need is a good massage, like in elements massage.

Why get a massage?

A massage is now widely accepted as a form of alternative treatment. Some experts even suggest a massage to relieve problems like stress, headache, and some forms of injury. Before, a massage is perceived as a form of luxury, mainly because this type of service was not easily affordable to regular people due to the fact that there were very few therapists or spas that offer it. However, nowadays it has become more readily available to more people due to the existence of more spas that offer massage treatments.

A massage is good for stress relief especially when done in a quiet spa with a relaxing ambience and music in the background. It also helps when the treatment is done with aromatherapy like eucalyptus or lemon grass. To some, lavender scent is also a good choice. These scents are relaxing to the senses. The relaxing effect of the massage, plus aromatherapy, is a proven stress reliever to any person seeking effective relaxation means.

A massage also helps in easing muscle tensions and knots. Some specialized massages, like a sport massage, even help prevent and treat an injury. Many sports teams are known to employ massage therapists in their teams to help treat athletes’ injuries.

What type of massage should you get?

A lot of people have the misconception that when they go to a spa or see a massage therapist that they can get any massage they have heard of before. This is not true at all. This is why it is very important to talk to your therapist first before you get the massage. You can tell how you are feeling, what you’ve been doing, if you have postural problems and where you are experiencing pain so the therapist can suggest the best massage or combination that will suit your need. Oftentimes a therapist will combine several massage techniques to give the desired result.

One of the most popular choices of massage treatment is Swedish massage. This type of massage is great for relaxation and stress relief. This is also the best option for someone who is having a massage treatment for the first time. It applies the right amount of pressure to the muscles. Sometimes a therapist may combine Swedish massage with other types of massage for optimum results.
A deep tissue massage is the best treatment option for chronically painful and tight muscles. This is also good if you are experiencing repetitive muscle strain or having postural problems. A deep tissue massage is done by repetitively massaging to unloosen muscle knots and relieve pain. Since deep tissue massage targets muscle knots and not trigger points, it is also good for people recovering from injury.

A hot stone massage is a technique that originated from Asia. It is best for easing muscle tension without deep pressure. This is best for those with serious muscle injury or those who are experiencing deep muscle pain when pressure is applied to their muscles. The hot stones do the work of easing muscle tension through heat instead of pressure.

A prenatal massage is a specialized massage for expecting women. This massage is aimed at decreasing swelling that is common to pregnant women. This is also good to relieve aches and pains that pregnant women experience due to the additional weight they are carrying. Another benefit of a prenatal massage is easing the physical and emotional stresses that they experience due to physical and hormonal changes. This kind of massage needs a therapist who has a specialized training in giving a massage to a pregnant woman due to the sensitivity of the condition.

Another massage treatment that requires specialized training is sports massage. If the therapist does not have the proper training in sports massage, he/she may end up causing injury or further injury to the athlete. Another purpose of a sports massage apart from injury prevention and treatment is performance enhancement. This is why carefully choosing a therapist for this type of massage is very important.
Things to consider when getting a massage

Here are the things to consider before you get an elements massage treatment. First, make sure that the therapist is licensed or has special training, or that the spa you are going to has licensed and highly-trained therapists.

Also, it might help to check out the facility especially if you want a relaxing massage. If this is what you are after for getting a massage, it pays to have a dimly lit quiet room with a soothing background music. It is totally not relaxing if you can hear other clients or therapists in the spa chattering in the background. Neither is it relaxing if the room is brightly lit. You will find it to be a more relaxing experience when you close your eyes in a darker room over a brightly lit room.

There you have it, some points to remember if you plan to get a massage treatment for whatever type of condition you need.