massage nyc

As a body work specialist, Yoga instructor since 1980 and someone who has experience Thai massage in Thailand for over nine years, I can say with authority that the Thai Massage experience I had with Reinhold during my vacation in NYC was first rate and one of the best I've had outside Thailand. I had only budgeted for one massage but after that initial experience I knew I had to book another session before I left NY so I cancelled the Broadway show I was planning to see and treated myself once more. Now days later after my return home to the Turks & Caicos Islands, I'm still feeling the wonderful effects of his treatments. Do yourself and your body a favour, If you're in NYC, book a session with Rinehold at Thai Massage-NYC, I highly recommend it. Namsate, David Bowen

Visité en Septembre 2012
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Mai K
Macon, Géorgie
2 avis
“Great experience”
Avis écrit le 1 mai 2012

This was my first Thai massage and I wasn't sure what to expect, but the experience was great. It was strenuous, but comfortable, but Reinhold put me at my ease and the best part were the results! My lower back always hurts. Always. But as I am writing this, eleven days and a plane ride later, my back still feels great. I am very bummed that I don't have regular access to this massage practice! Definitely worth your time and money, even if you are only in town a short while.

Visité en Avril 2012
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“The ultimate professional”
Avis écrit le 29 juillet 2011

I'm no stranger to massages, but this was the first time I've had a Thai massage. After reading previous reviews, I was eager to try this new experience and I was not disappointed. Reinholt was the ultimate professional and I felt completely confident in his abilities. He said the beneficial effects would probably last for a few days, but it has been 3 weeks and my nagging knee pain has not returned.

Visité en Juillet 2011
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1 avis
“Very good service. He came right over to...”
Avis écrit le 7 octobre 2010

Very good service. He came right over to my hotel with his equipment and set upvin my small room. The quality of his work is fantastic and I was able to determine his availability right on his website.
I highly recommend that you try Thai Massage.

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1 avis
“Highly recomend this experienced...”
Avis écrit le 26 mai 2010

Highly recomend this experienced therapist, not only for the level of care and attention to detail that he brings to the craft, but he is also a gentle soul who made me feel perfectly at ease having invited him over to my hotel room in Manhattan haveing never met.
If you have not experienced Traditional Thai Massage you are certainly missing the best of the body work modalities there is. I always used to get a typical table massage but ever since I tried this on a tip from a friend I will never go back. Sure, the back rub feels great, but then after a day my back is aching again. Thai massage stretching is not only quite relaxing but the effect gives me relief for my low back pain and tight shoulders for days after the session.
Give a call, you will be glad you did