massage thai orgasme

massage thai orgasme
massage thai orgasme

I am a massage therapist of 3 years. I had a client in my office, a male of 22 years of age. It was a normal massage as I always give, but at the client's request, I used a very small towel just over his genitals, beause he informed that the tops of his thighs we very sunburnt, and they were. I had two towels that were small, and he chose the smaller of the two, which was actually a wash cloth.
For the back, while he ;ayed face down, no draping was used, as I do the glutes anyway. After I had him turnover onto his back, I noticed he was very erect, and I layed the wash cloth over the erection, and continued the massage on the front. The cloth was barely covering him because of his erection with had the towel up off of his bo dy.
At onepoint while massaging the inner thighs, the towel slide off and to his side, and might as well been non-existent at this point. Admittedly I was a little aroused, as I have never had this type of experience in any of my massages.
I grazed his testicles and penis many times, making it appear accidental. I let my forarm rub over his erection on the shaft while I did his abdomen and I did notice a stream of sperm oozeout and run down his penis as I felt it on my arm. I could see hispenis pumping up and down as well.
I cleaned it off casually when he had finished. We never mentioned the orgasm.
It was an experience that I think about often when I myself masturbate. I am not gay or bi or anything like that, it was just erotic to me.

Derrick: You might as well be a Hooker. By pourposly causing ejaculation is completly unprofessional and you should have your licence, certification and any other dignified title revoked. Did you ever think that mabey the guy you were giving the massage to was embarrassed? You disgust me.

If any one else was wondering there is a move in Thai massage that can be performed just on the inner thigh with a quick chopping action with the medial (Anatomical position) border of your hand right at the joint where the Femur joins the pelvis. Quick with medium to firm pressure will allieviate the erection and will avoid embarrassment for the client and the therapist.