The massage school ,you decide to attend will greatly impact your future career as a massage therapist, so it’s important to have all the facts before you enroll. If you have established you are interested in entering a massage therapy program, but aren't sure what to do next, we can help. We have in-depth school listings with detailed profiles that you can view for free. When you find a school or program that interests you on our site, you can contact the organization directly from the page for more information. Our goal here at is to make the process of becoming a practicing, professional massage therapist as simple and stress free as possible. You can also learn more about the massage industry on our massage training blog.
Massage therapy schools are surprisingly affordable, and their programs are designed to accommodate your busy schedule. Whether you want to train part-time while still keeping your current job, or are interested in a full time or even extended program, there are educational paths to suit your preference. Indeed, massage schools make it possible for you to earn your degree and certification the way you want, in the educational environment you choose.
Certified, licensed massage therapists are able to select from a wide range of employment options, have a flexible schedule, a competitive salary, and work in a field that deals directly with helping people to relax and heal. Not only is the occupation of massage therapist expected to add jobs at a faster than average rate between now and 20201 but it has also been named as one of the 50 Best Careers of 2011 by US News.2