Actually, I was planning on trying it WITH him... but only after I have it done correctly the first time. The problem with (sorry guys) most men is they really believe that when they touch you down "there" that they are driving you crazy with ecstasy when the truth is, it's not all that. I'd like to learn a few new things myself to teach him to benefit us both :) ...... and 'christ!na' or anyone who knows her - please call the cops - incest is just wrong & abuse of power/authority is disgusting.
Tantric massage considered cheating?
Are you saying that getting the third level of this "massage" includes climaxing? Uh, that ain't a "massage" where I come from. Damn, now I feel robbed! I've given facials that put my clients to sleep before, and never did they climax, but I know they must have come close! (no pun intended) Talk to your boyfriend and see how he feels about this.
His opinion really matters to you, doesn't it?
Haven't done it yet, but I am so curious about it! I've done some research, there are apparently 3 levels of the female tantric massage starting with having clothing draped over certain parts, being touched near but not over or under the clothing... 2nd level escalates to complete nudity and surface touching only... 3rd involves actual penetration (using hands). I find the idea of it really exciting, but at the same time I feel like I'm cheating. Can I honestly justify this a just a "massage"? I mean, I've had professional foot massages that practically made me orgasm, is this completely different though because it involves someone other than my bf touching me "there"? I don't think he'd have a problem with me doing it, but only if I told him ahead of time - which I don't want to do for some reason. Would I be hurt if he did the same? If he was turned on by the experience of the massage - no. If he was turned on by being touched by someone other than me - yes. - Torn.