
Nailing It On The Head With Free Internet Advertising

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It is a small world after all. Globalization is that great process that started perhaps with Mr. Marco Polo, but has since regained its prestige after a short stint of protectionism following the great depression.


Nailing It On The Head With Free Internet Advertising

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It is a small world after all. Globalization is that great process that started perhaps with Mr. Marco Polo, but has since regained its prestige after a short stint of protectionism following the great depression. It sure is great, isn’t it? I mean who doesn’t like globalization? Well a bunch of hippies in Seattle, lay-abouts and activists without focus, but they hardly count. If you’re down with the Red, White and Blue, you have to be down with the N-A-F-T-A; if you ask me. This is something that transcends partisan politics; I mean it was that crazy, high hippy president Clinton that finally put together full integration of North America. Globalization puts the “free” in “freedom”; and if you don’t feel good about that, go back to the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot. Although, I have noticed before in my life that sometimes things are a little more complicated than they may first appear—especially the pretty complicated things.

It’s true that a certain amount of things have been freed up by the current manifestations of globalization, but perhaps some things that shouldn’t have been freed were, while others that needed to were not. Labor rights movements in the U.S. actually began in the early parts of the 19th century and continued through the Civil War. It was an extremely difficult time in the history of the U.S., but through all the turmoil, pain and destruction came very important protections for workers.

The movement of business and production around the world as sponsored by globalization has reversed necessary gains made during these times and subjected workers from other nations to pre-labor rights conditions from U.S. firms. This formerly restricted activity has been freed up and it should not have been.

Interestingly enough, the movement of people is one of the things that has not been freed up by the promises of global connection in the processes of globalization. In fact, in lieu of recent conflicts between various countries and ideologies, the movement of people has become tighter and less fluid; even though now it is needed more than ever.

Perhaps the liberalization of former barriers that closed one another off from each other have not exactly been as free as they seem. One should approach free internet advertising with similar caution. Of course if has its merits, just as globalization does, but an honest examination must be done carefully in order to fully recognize what is truly free and what is simply a means to an ends for someone else.


Massage Oil For Massage Therapy

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Massage oil is a great addition to any massage experience. It enhances not only the relaxing nature of the massage therapy session, but also adds to the healing benefits of the massage.

The use of massage oil is not a new idea. Homer, Plato, Socrates – all of these men referenced the use of massage oil as an aid for pain relief in their writings. Today, pain relief is one reason for using massage oil. Others include the facilitation of more gliding massage, skin nourishme...


massage oil, massage oils, massage therapy

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Massage oil is a great addition to any massage experience. It enhances not only the relaxing nature of the massage therapy session, but also adds to the healing benefits of the massage.

The use of massage oil is not a new idea. Homer, Plato, Socrates – all of these men referenced the use of massage oil as an aid for pain relief in their writings. Today, pain relief is one reason for using massage oil. Others include the facilitation of more gliding massage, skin nourishment, and the promotion of good health in general.

How do you choose a massage oil for massage therapy? First, choose an oil that is cold-pressed or expeller-pressed. Both of these have had the least amount of processing and will last longest. Prevent them from spoiling by keeping them in a cool place and adding 300 IUs of vitamin E per pint of oil monthly. In addition, essential oils, or oils that are distilled from various plants, roots, or seeds) can be added. Seek the aid of a professional to advise on a good combination.

Some oils to choose from for massage therapy include:

* Sweet almond oil – Anti-inflammatory, light, and good for most skin types, especially dry skin.

* Apricot kernel oil – Reduces stress, provides balance, and good for all skin types, especially prematurely aging skin.

* Avocado oil – This is a heavy oil best diluted at a rate of 10% in a lighter oil.

* Borage oil – Good for eczema and psoriasis, it penetrates, regenerates, and stimulates.

* Castor oil – A thick sticky oil good for drawing out toxins and for use on scar tissue. Best used in a poultice.

* Coconut oil – A thick, heavy oil that should be warmed before use. Good for cracked skin.

* Emu oil – Anti-inflammatory and used for arthritis, sore muscles, bruising, and eczema. May block pores.

* Grapeseed oil – Non-allergenic and good for all types of skin.

* Jojoba oil – A penetrating, anti-bacterial oil for eczema and acne.

* Kukui nut oil – Anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory that is light and has a slight warming effect.

* Olive oil – Has a warming effect and relieves stiffness.

Different skin types will fare better with different types of oil. As such, it will be a good idea to experiment with different kinds for massage therapy. If one doesn't work, try another. Also, some may personally prefer the smell or the effects of one massage oil to another. The selection of massage oils is pretty wide; so there is bound to be a preferred one for just about anybody.


Nail Care Techniques

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Read usefull tips which help you have beautifull hands and nails naturaly.


nail care, hand care,beauty care,hair care

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Do's and Don'ts of Nail Care

1. Do's

" Leave your nails without nail polish once in a while atleast inorder to allow them to breathe.

" Keep a pack of hand lotion or cream near the kitchen sink and use it each time after washing your hands.

" Wear gloves while doing housework or gardening and rub some hand cream or lotion before putting on the gloves.

" Apply oil to your nails whenever possible inorder to strengthen them.

" Include ample quantities of calcium and vitamin A in your daily diet.

" Keep your manicure set clean inorder to prevent any infection.

" Have a professional manicure done atleast once a month.

" Prolonged exposure to the sun is not good for nails and a lot of swimming will dry them. This can be encountered by keeping the nails and cuticles well moisturised.

" Before doing chores like dusting or gardening, first dig the nails into a soap bar. This prevents dirt from getting embedded under them and also make them easier to clean later.

" To keep nail polish intact in the bath, smoothen a little skin cream on it before going for a bath.

" If a nail breaks, we can get, professional help in fixing 'false' nails. Otherwise, try to file them down. If the break is bad, remove all the polish from that nail and mend the break with a small piece of cello-tape, cut to fit. Then re-apply polish.

" If nails are brittle and break or split easily, keep them oiled.

2. Don'ts

" Don't use your nails on a job that can be done just as well with a pair of scissors, pliers or a hammer

" Don't file nails when they are damp.

" Don't cut cuticles

" Don't wash clothes or dishes in very hot water

" Don't bite or chew your nails.

" Don't clean your nails with a sharp metal instrument - use a nail brush and orange stick instead.

" Don't be seen with chipped nail polish - it is a sign of careless grooming.

" Don't leave your hands in detergent for long.

" Don't peel-off your nail polish as you wish to - always use a nail-polish remover.

1. Nail Polish Selection. Whenever we use nail polish, we should select the shade carefully. Deep toned polish looks good on long and slender nails. Pale colours make short nails look longer and they also look good on small, delicate-looking hands.

2. Nail- Length Decision. As regards the nail-length, not everyone can manage long nail. If we do a lot of typing or housework , play the guitar or are a sports freak, long nail are not for us.

File rather than cut as cutting weaken the nail and cause it to flake. File in one direction only from sides to centre, using the softer side of an emery board, not a metal file. Aim for a rounded tip: the shape at the tip should reflect the shape at the base to make a perfect oval.


" If your elbows have been darkened, apply a mixture of lemon juice mixed with milk cream. Wash off after 30 mts.

" To get rid of elbow darkness, you can also apply a mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice ( in equal quantities). Wash off after 15 mts.

" If there is a lot of hair on your hands, apply a smooth paste of gramflour and oil on them. Wash off after 30 mts.

" Massaging hands with almond oil is most ideal inorder to maintain them in a good condition.

" If the hands are stained or discoloured, rub a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide on the stain after washing and before drying the hands. This lightens the stain.

" For big hands, wear exotic bracelets high on the arm and wide ornamental rings.

" Slim, small hands call for daintiness in the choice of jewellery and nail polish shade. Narrow bracelets and rings with delicate elongated settings look the prettiest.

" To suit small square hands use small and simple jewellery.

" On wrinkled hands, use rich cream after steaming the hands

" As one matures, one tends to get freckles on the hand. Use a good bleaching cream for this. Although the results are temporary, they are quite effective.


Beautiful Looking Nails with Solar Nails

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Giving a new twist to artificial fingernails is the use of Solar Nails. Though more expensive, the use of these nails are definitely worth your money. Not only do they look natural despite the fact that they are artificial, they also last longer compared to cheaper varieties of artificial fingernails.


Solar, Nails, guide

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Giving a new twist to artificial fingernails is the use of Solar Nails. Though more expensive, the use of these nails are definitely worth your money. Not only do they look natural despite the fact that they are artificial, they also last longer compared to cheaper varieties of artificial fingernails.

Solar Nails are the upgraded counterpart of Acrylic or artificial nails. It is applied quite differently from Acrylic nails. Where Acrylic nails are placed on the nail bed, the Solar variety are applied in a two step process. The white tip is placed first, followed by the pink natural-looking artificial nail. Due to its appearance, Solar variety nails commonly resemble a French manicure.

There are a lot of advantages when you choose to have Solar artificial nails applied. First of all, unlike artificial nails these variety need to be refilled only once every three weeks. This is a more convenient option especially if you cannot invest the time to constantly have your artificial nails refilled. Refilling your nails less often is also a much more economical choice.

Tanning doesn’t have to be a problem when you put on these upgraded artificial nails variety. Unlike Acrylic nails that turn yellow when exposed to too much sun or radiation from tanning salon, Solar nails do not turn yellow at all. Making it look more appealing together with your perfectly tanned skin. This nail investment will surely not go to waste.

Solar artificial nails are also known for their durability. They do not chip easily like Acrylic nails. Since Acrylic nails are applied on the nail beds, when the nail grows the artificial nail has a tendency to break. With the Solar variety, you get longer lasting nails. Another plus for Solar artificial nails is that they do not possess the potential to damage your real nail. As these nails are not extensions like Acrylic nails, it won’t damage your real nails no matter how long you have the Solar variety applied. There are a lot more advantages to Solar artificial nails such as a natural shine that does not require nail polish and the option of freehand designs on your newly applied nails. So choose wisely because when beauty is on the line, Solar Nails will definitely not let you down.


Leucatin Believed To Aid In Natural Treatment Of Nail Fungus

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Leucatin is a natural product that is said to instantly begin fighting against nail fungus. In addition to ridding the current infection, Leucatin is also believed to help prevent the fungus from spreading to other areas. This product contains all natural ingredients and is commonly available as both a capsule and spray, which are used together in order to effectively aid in the removal of nail fungus.

Leucatin is designed to eliminate the nail fungus infection in seven da...


nail fungus

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Leucatin is a natural product that is said to instantly begin fighting against nail fungus. In addition to ridding the current infection, Leucatin is also believed to help prevent the fungus from spreading to other areas. This product contains all natural ingredients and is commonly available as both a capsule and spray, which are used together in order to effectively aid in the removal of nail fungus.

Leucatin is designed to eliminate the nail fungus infection in seven days. According to experts, nail fungus is very difficult to treat and may require an aggressive regimen in order to effectively rid the system of an infection. Leucatin, because it is both a capsule and a spray that is applied directly to the infected area, is said to aid in the complete removal from the inside out.

The Leucatin spray solution was manufactured with the intent of enabling a product to actually go beneath the surface of the nail and begin eliminating the infection and preventing it from spreading to neighboring nails. This is a larger problem among the toenail area, which is often confined to socks and shoes with increased bacteria buildup. When the foot is confined to this type of area, the nail fungus may be able to spread easier. The Leucatin solution is said to help thin out nails that have been thickened as a result of fungus and also remove the discoloration that is often associated with the infection.

While Leucatin is believed to aid in the removal of nail fungus within one week, the actual nail will need time to heal and regenerate in order to look healthy and shiny. This may take some time, the length of which will be determined by the severity of the nail fungus infection itself. If a more advanced condition was present, it may take longer for the nail to regain it’s natural beauty. Leucatin is not designed to restore the look of the nail, but rather to remove the infection that will allow the nail to regenerate itself.

It is important to realize what any medication, including Leucatin, is and is not capable of accomplishing. There is no miracle cure for nail fungus that will eliminate all signs of it’s existence, but there are products, such as Leucatin, that have been shown to remove the actual fungus that has invaded the nail. Eliminating the infection is the first, and most important, step in regaining a healthy, pain-free nail.


Nail Fungus Infection, Treatment and Prevention

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Nail fungus is very common and usually appears with the toes; although it can also spread to the finger nails. It can sometimes be difficult to spot although a symptom which is pretty early to appear is a yellow discoloration of the nail.


nail infection,fungal nail infection,nail fungus treatment

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Nail fungus is very common and usually appears with the toes; although it can also spread to the finger nails. It can sometimes be difficult to spot although a symptom which is pretty early to appear is a yellow discoloration of the nail.

Speaking from experience, this is not a definite sign that you have nail fungus, which is why it is important to seek medical advice. In my case it turned out to be damage of the nail root (as a result of sporting activities) which highlights this fact.

If you do have a nail fungus infection, the symptoms will progress into the nail breaking apart and the nail becoming thick. The color of the nail may also darken and become more discolored.

With the internet being such a wealthy source of information, you will more than likely find numerous remedies and treatment solutions for nail fungus. However, it is recommended that a doctor is consulted to properly diagnose the infection first and then to recommend the correct treatment required.

But how do you go about preventing nail fungus from occurring in the first place?

- Try and maintain a strong immune system and healthy body. This provides the best opportunity to fight off many infections.

- Keep your nails well maintained; clean and trimmed.

- If you have an injury to the nail make sure that you treat that injury so that nail fungus does not have an opportunity to get in.

- Keep your feet dry and cool, and make sure that they are cleaned regularly. Fungus likes to grow in warm, damp areas so make sure that any footwear and socks are also kept clean. There are powders that can be purchased that can help prevent fungal infection when applied to footwear.

If you think that you may have fungal nail infection, make sure you book an appointment to see your doctor as soon as you can. Don't put it off until next week or next month. The sooner you start treatment the sooner the infection can be removed. It is also important to maintain the treatment provided to you by a doctor if it is determined that you have fungal nail infection. The infection may require treatment for some time (months), so it is important that you are committed to staying with the treatment routine.

There is nothing to be ashamed about if you have a fungal nail infection. It is a common occurence that millions of people suffer from. Many people will put off seeking professional help as a consequence of this but it is important not to do so.


Massage Therapy and the Entrepreneur

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The demand for massage therapists is growing. Does this translate into real opportunities for serious financial gain and career growth?


massage, massage therapy, massage school, career, business opportunities

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Some people enter massage school to help others through the power of healing touch. Some attend massage school to work in a particular field such as sports medicine or in a spa environment. Others receive massage training to satisfy a different ambition. They want to:

¨ Own their own business
¨ Be their own boss
¨ Make a lot of money

The massage industry is not immune to capitalistic instincts. Nor should it be.

Many massage schools tout the income potential of a career as a massage therapist. Income projections for a good massage therapist range from $50-$75 per hour. That translates to about $65,000-$100,000 a year depending on the number of clients served each day. This also requires that you are working independently and managing your own client base.

As attractive as a six-figure salary for providing massage therapy may be, the reality is that the median income for a massage therapist is $35,000. Many massage therapists only work part-time and quite a few are working in spas or health clubs as an employee or sub-contractor. So apparently, the big money in massage therapy goes to those that own their own business and practice full time.

So can you make big bucks as a massage therapist?

It is definitely possible to make a quite decent living as a massage therapist. But don’t expect to strike it rich right out of massage school. You will have to build up a fairly substantial client base and that doesn’t happen overnight. Many new massage therapists go to work in a spa or health club to gain experience and build a reputation. Others perform massages for a very low fee or even for free just to get some buzz going about their capabilities. It can be a slow go once a therapist is out on their own and quite a few massage therapists call it quits as a full time enterprise early on.

As in any business it is usually the person that works the hardest and provides the best service that becomes successful. It takes patience and perseverance to build a business from scratch. It also takes some decent business skills. A self-employed massage therapist should be prepared to spend time managing financial records, keeping licenses current, filing taxes appropriately and treating their massage therapy practice like the business enterprise it is.

If starting at square one and taking the slow road to success is not appealing you may want to consider jump-starting your massage business by making an investment in a massage franchise. For a mere $39,000 you can become the proud owner of a Massage Envy franchise.
Massage Envy is a hot new franchise that currently boasts 101 units in operation with a total of 274 franchise units awarded. The company offers a recognized brand, training program and ongoing support for franchisees. Each Massage Envy clinic offers a variety of massage modalities and is open 7 days a week. As an owner you would employ multiple massage therapists. Heck, you don’t even have to be a massage therapist to own a massage business like this one.

There is no doubt that the demand for massage is growing rapidly and the need for massage therapists will grow right along with it. Those therapists with excellent massage skills, good business sense and a dedication to service can expect to make a comfortable living. Others can take satisfaction in helping others to deal with pain and stress while making some decent part-time income.


How to Airbrush Nails?

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All women enjoy having their nails beautiful. Anyway, going to a salon can get a little bit expensive. For learning to airbrush nails on your own, you can save money or if you are lucky maybe even make some money from this.


airbrush, nail, nails

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All women enjoy having their nails beautiful. Anyway, going to a salon can get a little bit expensive. For learning to airbrush nails on your own, you can save money or if you are lucky maybe even make some money from this.

Things Youll Need to airbrush nails on your own:

First of all youll need acetone and a nail stencil. You will also need some nail polish (you will need minimum 2 diferent colors), an Airbrush gun will be very useful and a topcoat nail varnish to finish.

How is done:

If you dont have yet a nail stencil you can buy from a supply store. This kind of stores have lots of stencils. If you are wondering what kind of nail stencil to buy we recomand you purcase a simple but very eficient design such as a plain line when you first airbrush nails.

You may use polish remover - acetone and gently wash your hands before starting the procedure - thats eliminate any kind of oil or old polish from your nails becouse if your nails arent perfect clean the the airbrush design will not last so long as you wish.

You must apply a basecoat to your nails. When this basecoat is perfect dry you can apply wich color do you want or have for coloring the nails - this color will be the background color.

Now you will position the stencil on top of you nail in the position you want to make the design. After this you will may use an airbrush gun to paint over the stencil with the color youve chosen for your design. For the last touch you can remove with acetone any over spray near your design.

You can brush on a long-lasting topcoat and let your nails dry and remember to let them dry without touching anything; of course if you posses a professional nail dryer you can use it.

After all this steps are done you can declare yourself a little specialist and in the future you can use and experiment with more elaborate stencils.

You if are a little scared to start doing this procedure on your own you cand buy from a store synthetic hands or even fingers to experiment on them before starting to airbrush your real nails.