
Mobile Massage

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Schmerzen im Rückenbereich, besonders in den Schultern und in der Lendengegend, gehören heute schon fast bei jedem Menschen zum Alltag, denn langes Sitzen und schwere Arbeiten setzen dem Rücken zu und sorgen dafür, dass er kaum noch die Entlastung bekommt, die er so dringend bräuchte.


helath, fitness,wellness,mobile massage

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Dabei ist eine

Mobile Massage
im Office ganz schnell und einfach durchzuführend und durch verschiedene Hilfsmittel wird die mobile Massage völlig einfach, so dass man die Arbeit nicht einmal mehr unterbrechen muss. Sicherlich ist eines der Hauptprobleme, dass die meisten Menschen gar nicht wissen, was sie ihrem Rücken antun und wie sie dem entgegenwirken können, denn andernfalls würden wahrscheinlich schon alle Menschen von der

Mobile Massage am Arbeitsplatz
, deren Erfolge für sich sprechen, Gebrauch machen. Schon kleine Einheiten zwischen der Arbeit zeigen einen Erfolg und man hat am Abend wesentlich weniger unter Schmerzen zu leiden. Welche Variante der Massage am Arbeitsplatz man wählt bleibt jedem selbst überlassen, denn es ist sowohl möglich, mit Hilfsmitteln zu arbeiten, als auch sich selbst zu massieren. Die Hilfsmittel sind recht einfache und kosten kaum etwas. Ein normaler Igelball, den fast jeder zuhause hat, kann schon ausreichend wirken, wenn man ihn über Schultern, Arme und die Lenden rollen lässt, tut man dies mehrmals am Tag wird man am Abend feststellen können, wie gut es wirkt. Eine andere Möglichkeit wären Fußmassageroller, auf die man die Füße aufstellt und vor und zurück rollt. Diese Roller sorgen nicht nur für ein bisschen Bewegung am Schreibtisch, sie haben auch den Effekt, dass die Reflexzonen stimuliert werden, was wiederum der Entspannung sehr zu Gute kommt. Die letzte und sicherlich auch einfachste Möglichkeit sind Massagegurte, die man unter der Kleidung tragen kann. Sie werden mit Batterien betrieben und massieren dann unablässig, auch während man arbeitet, so muss man die Arbeit noch nicht einmal unterbrechen.



Portable Massage Tables And Massage Therapy

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Portable massage tables are the very important tools. Massage therapy is a hands-on management of the soft tissue and joints of the body and using a portable massage table can make giving and receiving a massage that a lot easier.

A portable massage table has pairs of legs at each end, and two pairs of recessed centre legs. This system offers the advantage of carrying safe working loads of up to 300kg without any visible degree of table flex or torque so that the masseur’s...


massage tables

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Portable massage tables are the very important tools. Massage therapy is a hands-on management of the soft tissue and joints of the body and using a portable massage table can make giving and receiving a massage that a lot easier.

A portable massage table has pairs of legs at each end, and two pairs of recessed centre legs. This system offers the advantage of carrying safe working loads of up to 300kg without any visible degree of table flex or torque so that the masseur’s effort goes into his client and is not wasted by bending the table. Fibre and aluminium are increasingly used in the making of portable massage tables since these materials offer essential benefits of tenacity, durability and low weight.

Exotic aluminium portable massage tables are designed to be squeak-free and come in custom sizes, adjustable height and backrest; replete with face cradle, tapered, high-resilient, foam-cushioned, sewn edges with shoulder recesses to prevent restriction of blood flow to the arms when they hang over the sides of the table. What’s more, this ingenious piece of design folds just as quickly and easily into a compact carrying case!

A massage suggests many various physiological effects. They are mainly due to the therapist's hands affecting the body in a way that influences all its systems – and mainly, the muscular by lessening muscle tension and sense of stress; the circulatory by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

Massage affects the lymphatic by improving the blood flow and lymph fluids in the body. Most important, massage therapy helps to meet the human need for the caring and affirmative touch. No wonder, lots of people find massage therapy so supportive in so many ways! Even the great Hippocrates who learnt this art from Herodicus way back in the 4th Century B.C., had advised thus in so many words when he said - "The physician must be acquainted with many things and assuredly with rubbing" (the ancient Greek and Roman term for massage).

Of the different kinds of massage therapies available, the most sought after are the Swedish massage, Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral Balancing, Chi Nei Tsang, and the increasingly popular Kerala Ayurvedic massage therapy.

Ancient Massage was essentially a floor massage. However today, as in all other spheres, technology has taken the driver’s seat to produce massage tables which are not only classy and comfortable for the client, but also provides access convenience and resilience for the masseur.


Massage & Massage Rollers

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When lower back pain hits you, a massage and massage rollers can be very effective in relaxing the tensed muscles. Massage is an ancient pain relieving technique and provides you relief from day-to-day stress, muscle cramps, while easing the back pain and headaches, by increasing blood circulation. A massage also flushes out toxins and wastes from your body, thus lending a healthy shine to the skin.


Massage, Massage Rollers, back pain

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When lower back pain hits you, a massage and massage rollers can be very effective in relaxing the tensed muscles. Massage is an ancient pain relieving technique and provides you relief from day-to-day stress, muscle cramps, while easing the back pain and headaches, by increasing blood circulation. A massage also flushes out toxins and wastes from your body, thus lending a healthy shine to the skin.

Effective Massage through Massage Rollers

These days, an alternative way to providing your body with the much needed massage is through massage rollers. If you don’t have the time to go to a massage parlor or if you are staying alone, you can use a massage roller to give yourself instant relief. There are various types of massage rollers available in the market today:

The Omni Massage roller –

It provides pressure and has the necessary mobility for a great massage. It has a directional massage ball, with an easy to grip handle. You can use it anywhere and carry it in your purse or bag. You can massage your lower back, neck or even forehead, if you have a headache.

You can begin by applying pressure on the roller and then gently roll the ball in circular motions around the lower back. While moving it in circular motion, you can apply the necessary pressure. Once you are able to identify the spot from where the pain is originating, you can continue to massage the affected area for 10-20 minutes. The massage roller will, thus, provide you relief as it soothes and loosens the muscle tissue or ligaments. It will also gradually increase your blood circulation, leading to the healing of the affected area and elimination of the back pain.

You can also find a Knuckle baller sports massager in markets. This massager fit into your hand near the knuckles and has four directional massage balls to provide you with four times the comfort. A Knuckle baller sports massager is small, so, you can carry it to a theater, park or your office. Massage anytime and feel relaxed!


Post Natal Massage Therapy

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Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing’s for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she ca...


post natal massage, postnatal massage, pregnancy massage, massage therapy

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Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing’s for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she can fit back to her office wear.

Post-natal massage may just be the solution to her needs. Here are 6 top benefits of Post-natal massage therapy:

1. Relaxation
2. Stress Relief
3. Relieves aches on shoulders or neck
4. Hasten the reduction of fluid retention.
5. Help uterus to shrink to original size
6. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body.

In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact, prebook sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for post-natal massage. The treatment is a traditional one which has been handed down several generations and even practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and a tummy wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several metres. The bengkung is used to wrap the body so as to push up the uterus, clear water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight. Post-natal massage is usually done in the privacy of one’s own home.

For a mother that has delivered her baby naturally, it is generally pretty safe to go for a post-natal massage. For those that delivered by caesarian, be sure to consult your professional massage therapist or your doctor first. Most in fact, would recommend that you wait a few more weeks before proceeding with a post-natal massage.

Post-natal massage provides a sense of continuing comfort for the new mother. The aim of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional support as well as alleviate the muscle strain of labor and childbirth. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that rids the midriff of post birth bagginess.

In some instances, post-natal massage can also bring about a much shapelier silhouette, compared to the one just before pregnancy!


Remedial Massage Therapy

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Remedial massage uses several specialized skills to locate and repair damage and speed up the body’s repair mechanism. A professional remedial massage therapist has to draw on his knowledge of anatomy, physiology, related pathology and the techniques of Swedish massage, heat and cold therapies, Kinesthetics and many other related fields for a complete treatment.


massage therapy, massage, remedial massage therapy, remedial massage

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Are you suffering from occasional migranes due to your stiff neck?

Are you having back ache problems due to long hours at the computer and no time to exercise?

Are you having muscle aches and have problems even lying down to sleep?

Instead of resorting to drugs and medication, a good alternative to try is remedial massage therapy. Remedial massage is a holistic treatment; that is, a treatment for the whole of the body, as well as the area being treated.

Remedial massage uses several specialized skills to locate and repair damage and speed up the body’s repair mechanism. A professional remedial massage therapist has to draw on his knowledge of anatomy, physiology, related pathology and the techniques of Swedish massage, heat and cold therapies, Kinesthetics and many other related fields for a complete treatment.

Also, the professional massage therapist will use information about your lifestyle, being your food diet, exercise regime, medical history, etc. for diagnosis.

Remedial massage can involve gentle to strong strokes as well as shallow to deep strokes. It works on the fact that soft muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia is responsive to touch. Sensitive points in the muscles often refer to pain in other parts of the body. For instance, headaches may originate from muscles in the neck and pelvic pains can be caused by certain areas in the abdominal and pelvic area. Remedial massage helps to stimulate blood flow in these areas, thus reducing pain, swelling and pain, and speeding up the body’s natural healing process.

Remedial massage is one of the most effective and natural treatment for stress related conditions. Balance is ultimately restored to your body system when your body parts are functioning optimally. You feel a sense of renewal and more energized that ever before!


The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

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These are some of known health benefits of Massage Therapy: Improves blood circulation, thus allowing increased oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to treated areas including areas that have been injured or have experienced overexertion, etc.


massage therapy, massage therapist

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Massage is all a matter of touch. We are all sensual beings and as a result our bodies respond well to massage and human contact. When there is touch, more healing takes place.

These are some of known health benefits of Massage Therapy:

• Improves blood circulation, thus allowing increased oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to treated areas including areas that have been injured or have experienced overexertion.

• Helps to lower blood pressure.

• Aids in detoxification by propelling toxic waste products through the lymphatic system.

• Relieves stress and promote sense of well being.

• Relaxes injured muscles, reducing cramps, and muscle spasms

• Stimulates the release of the bodies’ natural endorphins which may aid in pain control.

• Provides increased exercise stretching for atrophied muscles.

In fact, increasing evidence show that massage therapy helps to bolster the immune system of a person. Some studies show of cellular changes in immune function following massage therapy, including the new research on healthy women that indicates increases in disease-fighting white blood cells and natural killer-cell activity.

Before a Massage Therapy session, you may wish to consult with the Massage Therapist as to your treatment goals. Different combinations of massage techniques may be used to attain these goals. For instance, if you have a sports injury, you may wish to have specific massage strokes targeted to reduce swelling and to improve blood flow in that area. Or the therapy session may just well be a general de-stressing and relaxing one.

If you agree that many of today’s illnesses are due to stress-related issues, then Massage Therapy which helps in the reduction of stress, can really help in the process of building white blood cells. For a better immune system and reduced stress levels, try Massage Therapy today!


Massage Therapy For Back Pain

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People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem...


back massage, back pain massage

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People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem, as this type of pain really has no boundaries and can last from hours to months. This is a very long time for someone to suffer this type of pain, as sometimes it can be very excruciating.

In terms of treatment, there are several. These include pills, and therapy, and braces, and acupuncture. However, one method stands out as being effective in helping people with their back pain: massage therapy.

Massage therapy for back pain is a low risk, and non-invasive method of treatment. Not only will this method help in the pain aspect, it also aids in the release of natural chemicals the body produces known as Endorphins. This is great for people who suffer from acute pains.

Historically, the use of massage therapy was not readily accepted by conventional medicine as a treatment of back pain or any other pains for that matter. However, the medical society now accepts this method as a valid complementary treatment, recognising the many therapeutic benefits that it brings.

The aim of massage therapy is quite simple; it increases circulation and blood flow that the affected area with the muscles needs. This stimulates the rejuvenation of the tissues and muscles surrounding the affected area, promoting a relaxed and stress-less flow of blood. Many times people that have back problems; they are not quite sure why they have them. Some feel they have not had an injury to any muscles in the back area so they should not be suffering.

The fact is that there are many reasons that the back can be hurting you. If there is an injury to the bone structure in the back then the muscles surrounding the injury will then become very tense in order to protect the affected bone injury. This will only make the back tired and weak, once it is at that point it will pain the person with a great deal of trouble relieving the said pain.

Back pain can easily stop you from doing what comes natural for you such as sitting or walking. This will easily become a major problem if it happens when you are in need to work, and have no other means of income. It is also known that back problems are not the hardest thing for doctors to detect or diagnose. Hence your employers and insurance companies will not be too happy either at your reason of not being able to function well.

Out of all, clearly the worst would have to be lower chronic back pain. This is the area just above the tailbone and it can be an ongoing nightmare for some. In this situations, massage therapy can bring much relief. If you are able to ease the pain, you will find that just being able to do the little things in life is a cause for celebration!


Massage Therapy – An Oldest Therapeutic Form

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Massage therapy is one of the oldest and simplest therapeutic forms. It involves stroking, pressing, and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain.

Massage Therapy: Benefits
A good massage not only stimulates and relaxes the body but also tones it by acting on the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments). Massage largely affects muscles that are just beneath the skin. However, if done regularly under proper conditions and in the right manner, its benefits...


massage therapy,massage,massage school

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Massage therapy is one of the oldest and simplest therapeutic forms. It involves stroking, pressing, and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain.

Massage Therapy: Benefits
A good massage not only stimulates and relaxes the body but also tones it by acting on the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments). Massage largely affects muscles that are just beneath the skin. However, if done regularly under proper conditions and in the right manner, its benefits extend to the deeper layers of muscles and even the organs. Thus, it strengthens the entire body and reduces its vulnerability to strains and injuries that occur because of excessive tension and structural weakness of the body.

Massage therapy also stimulates blood circulation and improves the lymphatic system (runs parallel to the circulatory system); lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating the waste material from the body. Massage therapy also calms the nervous system, reduces fatigue, and replenishes energy of an individual.

Massage Therapy: How to Do?
To begin with, choose the right equipment for effective massage therapy. You will need a firm and padded surface such as a massage table or simply a foam mattress spread on the floor to work on. You may use additional cushions and pads to support the body on the massage surface. You can choose from oils such as mineral, soya, peach and apricot kernel, grape seed, sunflower, almond, olive, and peanut, depending on which suits your body best. Additionally, keep blankets and towels handy to cover the portions of the body that are not being worked upon.

To benefit optimally from massage therapy it is important to set the right environment for massage. One must use soft lighting and music to create soothing effect during the therapy. Warm the room where you intend to massage and select a time when there are least chances of an interruption. Get your client or partner wear loose clothes, ensure that his/ her body is bare (without any jewelry or other accessories) and eyes shut, and tie the hair if it is long. Massage with clean hands and nails cut short; do not massage with wrist watch, bracelet, or fingerings on your hand. Continue to massage in upward movement for one to one-and-a quarter hour.

At its best, massage has the potential to restore an individual physically, mentally, and spiritually.