Massage tantrique et chamanisme à Paris

Massage tantrique et chamanisme à Paris
       Ce massage invite la sensualité et la force vitale qui est en chacun de nous à se réveiller.
Il favorise la dissolution des tensions et des noeuds émotionnels.

      A travers le massage nait cette alliance unique du corps et du coeur.

      La personne qui masse aide la personne massée à se réapproprier l'énergie existant dans son propre corps.
La respiration, avec le diaphragme, tout au long du massage, permet de lâcher le mental et de pénétrer dans la dimension sacrée du corps.

      Ce massage permet une initiation à la fois spirituelle et corporelle.

      Grâce à la douceur d'un toucher respectueux, à la fois sensuel et maternant, le corps est appelé à s'ouvrir à des sensations oubliées et à découvrir de nouvelles perceptions.
Il favorise à la fois le calme et l'énergie et crée une nouvelle harmonie entre l'homme et la femme.

      Il permet d'accéder à un sentiment d'amour universel et à une conscience plus élevée.

Professeur de yoga: je organise cours de yoga naturiste a domicile.
Cours particuliers ou petit groupe).

Cette annonce n'est pas sexuelle. Il mais pour ceux qui veulent combiner la pratique
 du yoga avec le naturisme.
Ce sont des veritables classes de yoga  adressèe à ceux qui aiment allier la pratique
du yoga avec le naturisme
Masseur expérimenté à Paris Île-de-France vous propose un massage de relaxation, évolué, + 2 heures !


Le massage est ma passion ; je connais d’expérience sa puissance et ses nombreux bienfaits. Auriez-vous envie d’en discuter ou, mieux, de profiter de mon savoir-faire ?


Aimeriez-vous un vrai massage, évolué, de plus de 2 heures ? Oui, plus de 2 heures. Un massage totalement personnalisé qui sort de l’ordinaire ? Sa douceur, son énergie ?


Dans l’affirmative, je vous invite à visiter le site ci-dessous pour découvrir ce qui fonde l’originalité de ma démarche et en quoi mon approche du corps est particulière. Puis à me téléphoner si vous êtes intéressé(e), je vous fournirai les compléments d’information utiles.


Il y a tant à dire sur tout ce que je peux vous apporter de positif grâce au massage…



01 40 28 72 62 (semaine 9h-22h)

01 45 80 04 82 (week-ends et jours fériés 10h-23h)


Various Back Massage Techniques

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Back Massage is one of the best ways through which you can relive yourself from back pain. You can use various back massage techniques for benefits, such as relaxation, increased body awareness, better blood circulation and improved lymphatic drainage for release of toxins. Selecting a right back massage technique is important for receiving maximum benefits.


Back Massage, Back Pain, Back Massage Techniques

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Back Massage is one of the best ways through which you can relive yourself from back pain. You can use various back massage techniques for benefits, such as relaxation, increased body awareness, better blood circulation and improved lymphatic drainage for release of toxins. Selecting a right back massage technique is important for receiving maximum benefits. Typically, during the back massage, a masseur uses massage oil to decrease friction created on the skin and to prevent the pulling of skin hair. The less the quantity of oil applied, the greater is the friction and deeper will be the pressure. Use light stroking movements throughout your massage to move from one area to another, to soothe an area of localized deep tissue or to make a transition to another stroke.

Step By Step Guide for Back Massage

Mentioned below are few steps, which detail a back massage technique for relieving one from back pain.

The person receiving the massage should lie down on his/her belly on a firm, comfortable surface, such as a floor mat or firm bed. Make sure that you the whole back of the massage receiver is comfortably within reach. Stand by the side of the person and place one hand on the lower back and teh other between the shoulder blades, over the heart.

Warm up the back by applying thumb pressure along both sides of the spine simultaneously: Start from the lower back and knead gently with your thumbs up to the neck area. This will also promote relaxation.

Use a smooth, delicate stroke, called "effleurage", to apply massage oil. In one long stroke, slide your palms down either side of the spine to the pelvis; scoop out around the hips and back up the sides to the shoulders. Maintain contact with the back. Move your hands over the back to start a new area. Continue up both sides of the neck to the base of the head.

Starting at the spine, slide your palms in opposite directions outward to the sides of the back, starting with the lower back area, and moving up to the shoulders.

Knead the fleshy muscular areas at the top of the shoulders, the mid-back area and the buttocks to loosen any tight muscles and fascia, which is a connective tissue.


Spa Services - Toronto – Places where you could get facials, massage therapy, and body treatments.

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Spas are a great way to relax and improve the look and feel of your body.


Clear Facials, Facial treatments, Massage Therapy, Body Treatment

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"There is practically no city in this world which is pollution free. There is no workplace in your city that claims to be stress-free. With a lot of companies paying their employees on their ability to manage stress, a lot of people are getting stressed out by the day. That said, people feel that leading a stressful life can at times be demanding for them. Facials and Massage Therapy have been identified as two ways of reducing stress.

What do facials do for an individual?

Facials work on the face of an individual. Normally, the face of an individual is the worst affected part of the body as a direct impact of pollution. The face has a lot of soft skin and often when exposed to dust or pollution particulates, irregularities surface on the face. These irregularities would by means of pimples, rash and dry skin.

Doing facials regularly would ensure that you can keep your face somewhat immune to the pollution factor. Often, you would see the people who do facials regularly keep their face in good condition all year throughout.

The importance of massage therapy to body

Massage therapy has been identified as one of the major stress busters for a human body. Licensed practitioners who perform massages on one’s body use effective finger positioning techniques to relieve the human body of stress. If we thought that this was simple, let’s get one thing clear. Each of the practitioners would need to learn massage therapy to perfection and more importantly, would need to implement the lessons of massage therapy accurately.

Places to get facials and massage therapy done in Toronto

Toronto for that matter has its own list of spas and resorts that would allow you in getting your facials or massage therapy done. You do not need to go far for these things as you would be able to find them in the nearest health parlor. The downtown parlors would charge you possibly more than the ones in the suburbs.

Getting facials and applying massage therapy on your body is couple of ways by which you could keep your body fit and fine. While one method ensures that the face is maintained at all times, the other ensures that the body is relatively stress-free at all times."


Shiatsu Massage Therapy

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Shiatsu Massage Therapy is a finger-pressure technique that is developed in Japan. It is gaining much popularity in the holistic world. Shiatsu Massage Therapy makes use of the traditional acupuncture points (Meridian points) of Oriental healing.


massage, massage therapy, massage therapist, shiatsu massage

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Shiatsu Massage Therapy is a finger-pressure technique that is developed in Japan. It is gaining much popularity in the holistic world.

Shiatsu Massage Therapy makes use of the traditional acupuncture points (Meridian points) of Oriental healing. The meridian network provides life giving and life-sustaining energy to every part of the human. It is this network that connects all the organs, tissues and cells in the body. This is in fact, the basis of understanding on how this form of massage therapy work.

By stimulating the meridian points on the exterior of the body, changes can be made internally. Similar to acupressure, shiatsu concentrates on unblocking the flow of life energy and restoring balance in the meridians and organs.

The Massage Therapist applies pressure with the finger, thumb, palm, elbow or knee to specific areas located along the energy meridians of the skin. Strokes used include tapping, squeezing, rubbing and applied pressure.

The many benefits of Shiatsu Massage Therapy include:

• Deep muscle and tissue relaxation thus relieving back and neck pain, whiplash injury, frozen shoulders, etc.

• Stress reduction and management thus reduces headaches and migranes, pre-menstrual syndrome.

• Releases toxins from the body thus enhances body’s natural detoxification process.

• Prevents diseases eg. gastrointenstinal disorders.

• Increased joint flexibility.

• Improved blood circulation.

• Lowered blood pressure.

• Reduced stress and calms the nervous system.

• Balance of “chi” or life energy .

Shiatsu Massage Therapy aims to help nature performs its work. Symptoms are not treated specifically. The goal is to help the whole body and all its body parts function smoothly and work together in a balanced manner, so as to promote self-healing.

Shiatsu Massage Therapy is safe, holistic and effective. It does not involve the use of drugs, medicines or invasive procedures. If you are experiencing some health problems, instead of seeing a doctor, you may wish to check out Shiatsu Massage Therapy as an alternative option.



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Guidelines to massage your scalp



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A SELF-ADMINSTERED SCALP MASSAGE is a great way to enhance hair health. Scalp massages not only feel good, they enhance hair health by improving circulation and allowing more blood to flow to the scalp area. This eventually leads to shinier, healthier hair.

The first step is to decide if you want to use scalp oil. The best oils for a SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE depend on your needs. First, choose an oil such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil to use as a base. Then, pick the appropriate essential oils. For example, tea tree and lavender are often used for dandruff, rosemary and peppermint are sometimes used for hair loss, and chamomile and rose are often used if you are experiencing excess dryness. For each tablespoon of base oil you use, add two drops of essential oil. For each tablespoon of base oil you use, add two drops of essential oil.

The next step to a successful SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE is to brush your hair. This helps detangle the hair, adds some shine, and loosens any flakes that are attached to the scalp. The best brush to use before your will depend on your hair type. Long, straight hair requires a different brush than short, curly hair. Bend from the waist and brush your hair upside-down. This improves scalp circulation and helps give the hair more body.

To begin the SELF-ADMINSTERED SCALP MASSAGE. Place a small amount of the scalp oil on your fingers. Bend from the waist to allow MORE BLOOD FLOW TO SCALP. Touch the pads of your fingers firmly to the scalp area near your temples. Massage in a circular motion your hairline gradually working your way around the entire scalp. Add more oil to your fingers when necessary.

After you use all the oil, warm a dry towel for a few seconds in the microwave and place it on your head. Let the oil set for at least ten minutes. Try not to do anything during that time. Just lie down, close your eyes, and listen to relaxing music. This allows the oils to absorb into your hair and scalp to give it added moisture.

When ten minutes are up, you will need to shampoo and condition your hair to wash out the SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE oil. Gently brush your hair first to release any tangles. When you shampoo, keep in mind that you may need to lather up twice to get rid of all the oil. Follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. If your hair and scalp are extremely dry, leave the oil in overnight and shampoo and condition your hair in the morning.

Try to perform a SELF-ADMINISTERED SCALP MASSAGE once a week. If done regularly, you will notice that your hair is shinier and stronger and has a lot more body. You may want to vary the essential oils as your needs change. Just make sure to do your research. Some essential oils may be harmful and/or cause allergic reactions. Also, certain oils are not to be used if pregnant or nursing.


Why You Should Get A Massage

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I'm giving busy people everywhere permission to schedule a personal massage. Why? Because I'm alarmed by how few people I know that have taken the time to indulge in a relaxing and therapeutic massage.

There are many reasons that you, no matter who you are, should be getting a massage regularly. One of the biggest and most obvious reasons that a massage should be a regular part of your life is because of how relaxing and stress relieving it is. We a all know that life is s...



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I'm giving busy people everywhere permission to schedule a personal massage. Why? Because I'm alarmed by how few people I know that have taken the time to indulge in a relaxing and therapeutic massage.

There are many reasons that you, no matter who you are, should be getting a massage regularly. One of the biggest and most obvious reasons that a massage should be a regular part of your life is because of how relaxing and stress relieving it is. We a all know that life is stressful and demanding. What you may not realize, however, is how much that stress affects your physical body. Massage is an amazing way to de-stress and unwind after a busy week. When life is stressful our muscles quickly reflect our stress by becoming tense and knotted up. A massage can release the tension in your muscles in no time.

A massage will not only relax your body, but it will also relax your mind. There is no value that can be given to having a mind that is relaxed and at peace even in the midst of a chaos and disaster filled world. Massage can be therapeutic for your mind and allow you to focus again on what is truly important. Wouldn't you love to have an hour a week where your body and your mind were in a fully relaxed state? I promise you, a massage really is as good as it sounds.

There are many proven physical health benefits to getting a massage as well. Our bodies are constantly collecting harmful substances and toxins that are damaging to our health in many ways. One of the greatest benefits of a deep tissue massage is that it can help to release some of the harmful substances and toxins that have embedded themselves into our muscles. As the toxins are freed from our muscles we can flush them out of our bodies much easier simply by drinking a lot of water. The benefits of removing toxins from your body are nearly endless. Cancers and other serious health issues can be caused by a buildup of harmful toxins, so taking the time to get a deep tissue massage can be one of several ways to make your life healthier and longer.

I simply ask anyone reading this to find someplace to get a massage and give it a try. A quick glance through your phone book or a quick online search will help you find a variety of massage therapists who would be happy to relieve some of your stress. Make an appointment and see how your life will benefit from an hour a week. What could be better than something that is healthy and feels great? Get a massage today!


Pregnancy Massage Therapy

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The modern mum-to-be is a stressed out individual, having to cater to increasing pressures of a fast paced society and work place. Yet at the same time, she knows that her wellness is crucial especially during her pregnancy if she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby.

This increased awareness has led to the search for alternative approaches in addition to traditional health services. Pregnancy massage therapy is one such alternative approa...


massage therapy, pregnancy massage, pregnancy massage therapy

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The modern mum-to-be is a stressed out individual, having to cater to increasing pressures of a fast paced society and work place. Yet at the same time, she knows that her wellness is crucial especially during her pregnancy if she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby.

This increased awareness has led to the search for alternative approaches in addition to traditional health services. Pregnancy massage therapy is one such alternative approach. It has much therapeutic value as it enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves blood circulation and relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Pregnancy Massage can be prenatal, postnatal or during the labour process, although many refer pregnancy massage to just prenatal and post-natal massage to mean massage that takes place a few days after delivery.

In a prenatal massage, the massage is focused on reducing pregnancy discomforts and aims to enhance the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and foetus. A relaxed mother also helps in the development of a brainy and healthy foetus. Also, the massage helps to strengthen and prepares the muscles that are useful for a natural delivery process.

Many women fear a long delivery process. Yet, many desire one that is as natural as possible and without the use of epidural or any other drugs. During labour, massage techniques exist to help shorten the delivery process while easing pain and anxiety.

Post-natal massage focuses on toning the new mother’s body, reduce fluid retention and and helps the body be brought back to balance and shape. It also helps to rejuvenate and re-energize the new mother and thus enhance her ability to bond with her baby.

The pregnant female should always first consult her doctors if she is suitable for massage or for any other alternative therapies that they wish to try. Her overall objective is to achieve a good mental state and physical health and to have a wonderful birthing experience.


Some Things You Want to Know About Massage

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Most Americans know that massage therapy can help relieve stress and pain, reduce blood pressure and boost the immune system.


Some Things You Should Know About Massage

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Most Americans know that massage therapy can help relieve stress and pain, reduce blood pressure and boost the immune system. And, more people than ever are trying massage for the first time.

Perhaps you received a gift certificate for massage. Maybe work's been stressful, and you've thought about getting a massage to unwind. Or maybe you're already a fan of massage and want to try a different type of massage.

Whatever your reasons, there are some basic things you should know to get the most from your massage.

There are many terms for types of massage. The American Massage Therapy Association or designates the various methods as massage modalities. Ask your massage therapist what massage modality will give you the results you want.

The most popular include:

* Swedish massage: The most common type of massage, to relax and energize you.

* Deep tissue massage: For muscle damage from an injury, such as whiplash or back strain.

* Sports massage: To help prevent athletic injury, keep the body flexible and heal the body should injury occur.

* Chair massage: Massage of the upper body, while fully clothed and seated in a special portable chair.

Finding a qualified massage therapist is also important. Ask your massage therapist about his or her credentials. And remember, each massage and bodywork modality requires specialized training.

AMTA, which requires members meet education standards, recommends asking the following questions:

* Did you graduate from a program accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation or from an AMTA member school?

* Are you licensed or registered as a massage therapist in this state? Not all states license massage therapists.

* Are you a member of AMTA?

* Are you certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork?

* Do you have training in any specific massage modalities?