
What is a Body Massage?

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A body massage is a wonderful way to unwind and relive tension at the end of the day. A body massage can also alleviate some physical ailments such as muscle stiffness.


body massage, massage, holistic therapy

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The holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body-the muscular, skeletal, elimination, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic, emotional, mental and nervous systems is called Body massage. Body massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the hands for healing, therapeutic, pleasurable and relaxing effects. Body massage is the loving touch of the heart expressed through the hands. Professional therapeutic massage originated in China, is an age-old healing art, which can alleviate mental, physical and emotional ailments.

Let us study about the healing powers of body massage.


Body massage helps releasing stress and tension in our bodies by increasing oxygen flow and blood circulation in the body. Excessive unresolved tension and stress in our daily lives could cause continuous muscular tension. This type of mental tension or stress diminishes the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles and organs causing pains and aches, feelings of fatigue, symptomatic heaviness, tightness of muscles and stiffness. This can even increase the chance of strains and injuries. . Tension creates a tendency for a build up of toxins in the body, and reduces the flow of the more subtle energy or life force (Prana or Chi). Muscular stress also deforms the skeletal anatomy, which further compounds present problems and develops new ones.

Benefits of Body massage

1. Assists weight loss

2. Improves and increases blood circulation and the flow of tissue fluid (lymph)
3. Nourishes the skin (with the right oils)
4. Soothes and relaxes nerves
5. Assists in removal of deposits of tissue
6. Releases emotional and mental tension
7. Creates a feeling of well-being
8. Gives pleasure

If you have any illness it is always advisable to inform a doctor before you go for a body massage.


Nail Biting - An Awful Compulsion You Can Quickly Break With Hypnosis & Nlp

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Nail biting is related to skin picking and hair pulling. These behaviors are labeled as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Nail biters keep their hands behind their backs or in their pockets. Nail biters often feel social embarrassment and experience out-of-control feelings at times. At times they may wonder why they are not able to stop biting and they often question whether or not they are sane.

Biting often happens when people are in one of two modes. Some nail biters d...



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Nail biting is related to skin picking and hair pulling. These behaviors are labeled as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Nail biters keep their hands behind their backs or in their pockets. Nail biters often feel social embarrassment and experience out-of-control feelings at times. At times they may wonder why they are not able to stop biting and they often question whether or not they are sane.

Biting often happens when people are in one of two modes. Some nail biters do it in an automatic way, as if they are in some kind of altered state and not really thinking about what they are doing. It's often when they are engrossed in some other activity at the same time such as talking on the phone or watching TV, etc. For others, their main activity at the time is the actual picking or biting, and they will usually interrupt their other activities to engage in it.

There is a strong commonality seen in the various purposes behind nail biting, skin picking and hair pulling. At a very basic level, these symptoms satisfy an urge. Many report an uncontrollable compulsion to do them. Pulling, picking or biting also seems to deliver a pleasurable or relaxed sensation.

When sufferers feel stressed, doing these things has a kind of soothing effect on their nervous systems and reduces levels of stimulation. On the other hand, when they are bored or inactive, they seem to provide a needed level of stimulation to the nervous system. This may account for why so many people who dislike doing them find it so hard to give up these behaviors. It simply "feels good" at the time no matter what.

Even if you have more than one of these problems, do not give up on yourself. These symptoms can be overcome if you have the motivation. More important is learning to "de-stigmatize" yourself. You are not crazy, helpless, morally weak or totally out of control, even though you may feel like you are at times. Once you realize that you are just a person who simply happens to have a bad habit, you can make some serious progress.

Skin picking and nail biting are chronic problems, so there is not currently a "cure" but you can find a recovery if you are willing to work at it. Hypnosis for nail biting consists of three parts.

Therapy For Nail Biting

First off, nail biting is a nervous habit. So the first part of the therapy is to teach the nail biter how to be more relaxed at all times. To that end, I have found that traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, and NLP techniques are usually quite effective. That's because the very essence of hypnosis is relaxation. The biter can learn to apply several different methods to increase both the relaxed state, as well as his/her overall feeling of relaxation and well-being.

The second part teaches the biter awareness of this unconscious habit. Suggestions are given to the unconscious mind to make the consciousness aware that you are about to bite your nails. Then you get to consciously decide whether or not you are actually going to bite them.

There are also several other powerful hypnosis and NLP techniques. As an example, we can help the client to set up an "Anchor" or trigger so that he/she can momentarily mentally step outside of him/herself. This is an effective method that will effectively relieve the compulsion.

The third part of the hypnotherapy is to eliminate the compulsion to bite. There are hypnotic techniques that actually program the client with a compulsion to not bite.

With this particular behavior, being realistic is very important. First, you have practiced the unwanted behavior hundreds or even thousands of times. It is important to accept that the urge to bite your nails will not be overcome in a few days.

Second, you are fighting the fact that biting your nails feels good, and it offers a lot of short-term satisfaction and either stimulation or soothing feelings. It can take time to overcome, but it will be worth it. My experience has shown a number of techniques to be very effective!


Nail Varnish - is red your colour?

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What would the world do without nail varnish?


nails, varnish,extensions

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What would the world do without nail varnish? Just think of all the unshiny, terrible looking, uncolourful nails we’d all have to put up with! It’d be a disaster.

Well, alright, so I’m not entirely serious, but nail varnish does have some point beyond making nails look pretty. Many nail varnishes also contain substances that will protect your nails, by stopping them from breaking and making them taste nasty so you don’t bite them. Some even claim to make your nails grow faster.

Nail varnish comes in all sorts of colours, but the most popular by far is red, followed by pink. While some men do occasionally wear nail varnish, it’s mostly a woman thing.

Here’s a quick science lesson: the most important ingredient of modern nail polish is a substance called nitrocellulose. This clever little ingredient is what forms the ‘film’ over the top of the nails, protecting them and making them shiny. The nitrocellulose will be mixed with a few other chemicals (solvents, for example, that make it a liquid that can set) depending on the brand, and then with dyes in various strengths and combinations to give the full range of colours to choose from.

When you buy nail varnish, there are several things you should look for. The one that most people think of straight away is the colour, but be careful of just picking up the first one you see that comes in the colour you want – you might be ignoring its downsides. You should look for an easy applicator bottle that comes with a built-in brush in a good shape, and is quick drying and long lasting.

The more you’re willing to spend, the closer you’ll get to a salon-quality look – and even if you spend a lot, you’re likely to spend less than you would have at an actual nail salon. If you want to make sure that things are done exactly right for a special occasion, though, it might be worth going to one anyway.


Best Work From Home Job – Nailing It In No Time

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Sound good? Well you can do it to…with all those benefits from day one. But, if you don’t have the muscle to force people like my friends to pay up you have a stay at home job instead.


Best Work From Home Job

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I remember one time I was going to a concert at First Avenue. Probably you don’t know where First Ave is, so I’d like to highly recommend you go rent the movie Purple Rain tonight…or soon. Anyways, that’s where I was. On the way across a parking lot a guy approached my friends and I and offered to play that game where he has some cups and a ball and you have to guess under which cup is the ball. Well my friend lost. He said it was a scam and didn’t want to pay. Then out of nowhere the cup-artists muscle appeared and assured that my friend pay up.

Guess what. The leaders of my country I don’t respect...but that guy with the cups and ball has garnered as much respect as I can garner for one individual. He’s the poster child for the American Dream. He makes his own schedule, meets lots of interesting people, chooses the location where he wants to work and doesn’t have some irritating boss breathing down his neck all day.

Sound good? Well you can do it to…with all those benefits from day one. But, if you don’t have the muscle to force people like my friends to pay up you have a stay at home job instead.

With so many uncertainties in the corporate world today, all the forced overtime, missed moments with your family and every other difficulty with a traditional position, having a stay at home job is pretty much a no brainer.

There are plenty of opportunities and options to choose from in regards to what type of stay at home job you pursue, so it almost seems that the most difficult part is making the decision to do it. From there, its your interests and abilities that will guide your new career and destiny. If your still not convinced that a stay at home job is right for you; consider again my hero in the red, velvet running suit. He made twenty bucks in five minutes; chew on that.


Brittle Nails - Easy To Break

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Nails define your hand in many ways. The shape and the look of nails make your hand look good. By using a good nail polish it can make your hands look better. But if nails are bad then no matter how much you cover it up it will not work. Brittle nails are one of the problems with your nails. These nails happen to be so weak that they break, spilt or tear very easily. It is the dryness in the nails which reaches to such an extent that they tend to break without much hassle. Br...


Brittle nails care, vitamin, zinc, iron deficiency

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Nails define your hand in many ways. The shape and the look of nails make your hand look good. By using a good nail polish it can make your hands look better. But if nails are bad then no matter how much you cover it up it will not work. Brittle nails are one of the problems with your nails. These nails happen to be so weak that they break, spilt or tear very easily. It is the dryness in the nails which reaches to such an extent that they tend to break without much hassle. Brittle nails are a common problem faced by many women.

Some of the causes for brittle nails is due to excessive contact with water, detergent, drying out of nails due to overheating in your own house, constantly falling ill and increasing use of nail polish remover. When it comes in contact with chemicals present in detergent or cleansers it makes the nails very weak. Your nails are also affected due iron deficiency. When you go for swimming the chlorine water does not work in your favor. You also lack essential calcium and fatty acids which makes your nail strong and less brittle. Low levels of zinc, iron and also thyroid problems may lead to brittle nails.

Some of the things which you can do to avoid brittleness of your nails

* Massaging your nails with castor oil frequently as this would keep your nails fit and fine

* Whenever in contact with chemicals wear cotton gloves and on top of the rubber gloves as it would protect your nails from getting wet either by sweat or water

* Involving food like salmon, tuna, shrimp, trout, milk in your diet improves your nails life

* Intake of herbs and vitamins as consulted by doctor should be taken

* Keep your nails short if you know they are brittle


All About Beautiful Nails

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Who doesn't want to have beautiful and shining nails? But keeping nails beautiful, clean and trimmed is not an easy task.


nail products, nail polish

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Only if you take proper care of your nails will they look good. To keep your nails healthy and good all the time you will have to work hard on them. While at home, you can use a nail file, which is available in different sizes, shapes and designs.

To make your nails look beautiful, you can apply nail polish or use art nails. Art nails are basically fake nails that you can stick on your nail. Art nails are available in hundreds of designs and colors. You can choose from a floral design to a silvery tattoo design. You can even wear art nails that match with different dresses. As for nail polish, they are available in hundreds of colors and great shades. You can find every color from red to navy blue to even black. You can also find nail polish in glossy colors or with matte finish. One of the salient points of nail polish is that it can hide any flaw in your nail and at the same time provide a protective cover.

One of the most common types of nail polish is the base coat, which will prepare your nails for the actual solid color nail polish. The base coat will also protect your nails from getting discolored due to a color nail polish. The top coat of a nail polish also known as the clear coat is normally used on dry nail polish for protecting and hardening the color. It will protect the color from chipping off.

Tips for keeping your nails in great condition

How do you get really stunning nails? Well! There is no magic involved. Here are a few tips that will help you to keep your nails in good shape and they will look great too:

* You can apply some nail varnish remover just prior to coloring your nails. You can use the varnish even if you don't need to remove your old polish. The main function of the varnish is that it will make your nails look better by removing any kind of dirt or grease. This will also help the nail polish to last longer and not ship off.

* French manicure is considered as the best treatment for your nails. There are times when you might have problems in achieving the right and the most perfect type of French manicure. In such a scenario what you can really do is use a white nail pencil just underneath your nail tip instead of the white polish you have been using so far. This will make your French manicure much easier.

* Always ensure that the waiting time after application of a nail varnish is long so that each layer gets enough time to dry. This will also ensure that you get a lasting finish.

* To remove excess nail varnish, always use a cotton bud to remove it from the top of the bottle. This will basically prevent the nail varnish bottle from getting glued shut

* There is several beauty and cosmetic companies that sell nail polish with matching lip stick colors too. Using the same color on your nails as is the color of your lipstick will definitely enhance your overall appearance. Alternatively, you can even use nail colors that are in contrast with the lip stick colors.

* It is always better to apply numerous thin color coats as compared to a single coat of thick color. Numerous thin coats mean that the nail polish will last longer.

* Avoid removing and then reapplying nail polish more than twice a week. If you remove and apply nail polish thrice or 4 times a week then it will make your nails dry. You can get a remover that has a built-in moisturizer so that you can protect your nails from drying.

* You should give your hand and fingers a little massage from time to time so that the blood circulation is maintained. Good blood circulation means that there will be good nail growth.

* The simplest is the solid color manicure. It employs the use of mild solid nail colors and basic neutrals.

The most important thing is that you should eat healthy so that the color of your nails doesn’t become yellowish. As long as you maintain a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and fruits, your nails will look beautiful, healthy and will have a pink tinge to it. To make your style statement bolder, you can wear a different color on your finger nails as compared to your toe nails. At the end of the day, coloring your nails is just another way of pampering your self.


Nail Guns - The Principle Behind Direct Drive And Indirect Drive Nail Guns And Why They Are Safe

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Nail guns not only enable fast nailing, but saves labor cost and reduces inaccuracies in nailing and hammer accidents at the same time.With a high launching speed, how can nail guns be safe and help reduce accidents? Isn't it easier to have nailing accidents?
This article will explore why nail guns when used properly are a boon to the construction industry and represents how technology can help bring about savings in construction costs and reducing workplace accidents.


nail guns, direct drive nail guns, indirect drive nail guns, gas pressure nail guns. work safety rules, nail gun litigation, drive a nail fast

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Nail guns represents newer technology taking over the traditional nail and hammer in most construction projects of a large scale. Where the project is huge or consists of repetitive similar designs of individual housing units, the use of a nail gun in woodwork for these housing units have proven to be effective, reducing the construction time and lessening the labor cost component.

Nail guns are simply powerful machines that launch nails at high speed, fully embedding them in a piece of wood, concrete and even steelwork in only a fraction of a second.

Nail guns not only enable fast nailing, but saves labor cost and reduces inaccuracies in nailing and hammer accidents at the same time.

There are a wide variety of nail guns on the market, employing a range of physical principles.

With a high launching speed, how can nail guns be safe and help reduce accidents? Isn't it easier to have nailing accidents?

The answer to this question can be found in its design.

Nail guns are designed basically to be used with the muzzle touching the target. They are extremely short-range targeting tools. Place them touching a target and launch the nails, and they produce accurate nailing second to none. Furthermore, its design as a hand tool with a easy to grasp handle makes nailing an easier, simpler task.

Nailing inaccuracies will only occur when the user goes beyond its intended distance, or use it to project nails from a distance. In fact, nail guns are never designed as a weapon, and it is wildly inaccurate if a user tries to use it to shoot as a projectile.

Nail guns are usually driven by electromagnetism, compressed air or a small explosive charge.

There are two broad categories of nail guns, the direct drive or high velocity drives and the indirect drive or low velocity drives.

These two categories of nail guns are similar as far as they are power actuated driven, and differs only from the velocity of drive.

The direct drive nail gun uses gas pressure that acts directly onto the head of the nail to drive it into its intended object. Conversely, the indirect drive system will use gas pressure to act on a piston that in turn drives the nail indirectly.

Irrespective of the type, both of them are powerful tools that can drive a nail or other fastener into woodwork, hard concrete, stone and rolled steelwork easily.

It is not without its share of accidents in the workplace though. With nail guns being used widely in the workplace, there have been accidents related to nail guns, and this has led to some nail gun litigation involving specialist nail gun accident attorneys.

Where nail guns are used properly, and work safety rules are followed, they are a boon to the construction industry and represents how technology can help bring about savings in construction costs and reducing workplace accidents.


Massage Therapy for Senior Citizens

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An informative article on the benefits of massage therapy for senior citizens.


massage benefits, massage therapy, massage techniques, massage tables

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Massage therapy can offer senior citizens a number of benefits that will greatly improve their sense of health and wellbeing. As the population continues to age, it is important to consider ways that we can work to improve the lives of those affected by the passing of time. A number of studies have shown that massage therapy can have a direct impact in managing the effects of aging. It has also shown promise in bringing comfort to those suffering from arthritis and other physical ailments.

As people age, they naturally become less active. This lack of physical activity can lead to the onset of other conditions which, if not dealt with, can greatly reduce their quality of life. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) has been promoting the use of massage therapy for some time now. According to a recent study, there is a general awareness of massage therapy but a lack of understanding of its direct benefits.

In the case of senior citizens, there are a number of benefits that be derived from therapeutic massage. According to the Touch Research Institute, it is extremely useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients, as it can facilitate relaxation and communication. In the case of arthritis sufferers, it can greatly assist in pain management and help increase range of motion. It also triggers natural joint lubrication, which is extremely important for those suffering from arthritis.

Massage therapy has also shown promise by helping to increase strength and muscle coordination. It can also greatly improve one's posture by reducing muscle tension, which has the added benefit of assisting seniors with a higher quality of rest. Massage has also been known to boost one's natural energy levels, along with their mental awareness. Study after study has shown that there is a place for massage therapy within the health care community.

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of massage therapy. In an age where the common approach to pain management has been dominated by the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, massage therapy has shown to be an effective and natural solution to the ailments associated with process of aging. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about the benefits of therapeutic massage, please visit the website mentioned below.