Cortiva Institute-schools of Massage

Cortiva Institute
Cortiva Institute is a family of wellness schools with one unifying focus: to create a new standard of excellence of massage therapy and wellness education. One that:

Meets the unique challenges of our ever changing communities.
Values excellence, integrity and a holistic approach to wellness.
Prepares passionate people for successful careers helping others.
Honors humanity through healing touch.
We are proud of the rich experience and perspective that each of our schools brings to the whole. And while each school is unique in setting, history and emphasis, all Cortiva schools share the core values of integrity, quality, compassion and community.

The Cortiva Experience
Cortiva schools represent over 200 years of collective experience in successful massage therapy education. Our expertise reflects a deep practical understanding of theoretical concepts. We recognize the difference between a fad and a real breakthrough. We understand the importance of healing, therapeutic relationships. With a profound respect for tradition and intuition, we've achieved an exceptional record of innovative leadership in the teaching of massage.

As a community of massage therapy schools, we bring compassion right into the classroom. It's at the core of everything we teach. You learn more than massage techniques. You learn how to tap into your compassion so you can put those techniques into practice for the greater good. And that's the highest education standard of all.

The Cortiva Education
A comprehensive program in therapeutic massage. Through a dynamic curriculum - grounded in science and best practices - our students develop a solid foundation in therapeutic technique skills. These are skills that will make a real difference for a client's health. Business, communication and clinical application prepare our graduates to join the profession with confidence.

Experienced, accomplished faculty. Our faculty is comprised of professionals who practice what they teach. Actively engaged in the field, Cortiva teachers are chosen for their expertise, their passion for teaching, and their dedication to the healing arts.

Community through collaboration, not competition. Learning together in the highly collaborative program, fellow students become trusted professional colleagues after graduation. Students and faculty work toward the same goal, never forgetting that the most important person is the student's future client.

A personalized system of support for adult learners. We've been doing this a long time. We know the challenges, and we know what it takes to succeed. From financial aid advising to help in anatomy. From close access to caring teachers to respect for individual learning styles. We're ready to help.

Cortiva offers students:
A family oriented, group focused, comforting learning environment where each student is taught by some of the most experienced and caring wellness professionals in the industry.
An online interactive learning assessment that will offer guidance on your preferred learning style and approach.
A comprehensive and innovative curriculum.
Hands on experience at our professional and student clinics.
A national online job portal with over 2,000 job postings from around the world.
Placement assistance and career services for all graduates.
The synergy of dedicated people, innovative ideas and best practices from around the country that combine to produce a uniquely structured curriculum.
Inclusion in one of the largest networks of alumni in the wellness industry as our heritage schools have graduated well over 10,000 wellness service providers since 1999.

Massage Therapy Schools

Massage Therapy Schools
Find a Massage School to Become a Massage Therapist
Compare massage schools and massage training programs and take the first step toward a rewarding massage therapy career. Most massage therapy schools will give you a strong foundation in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and Shiatsu.

In addition to choosing the environment in which you’d like to work, massage therapy offers a variety of career paths as well-- from different techniques on which to focus, to the option to work full time or part time. A massage therapist’s salary can be a combination of wages and tips 3 and can range anywhere from below $17,970 (the bottom 10%) to upwards of $69,000 (the top 10%) per year. 4

Wherever you envision yourself working, be it a hospital, private practice, or spa, we have information on the massage schools you need in the locations you want. Explore different school campus offerings, lengths and focuses of programs, and continuing education options all from right in front of your computer.

The field of massage therapy is growing every day, and certified, licensed massage therapists are in demand. Take advantage of our free service, and get the information you need to begin training for a career as a massage therapist right away.

Choose the massage schools from the list below that interest you, and request information directly from admissions officers. You can also Find Massage Schools by City.

massage schools

The Massage in Schools Programme is a unique, child-centered massage programme that’s helping children all over the globe.

Our Mission

The mission of the Massage in Schools Programme is to provide high quality and professional training to all teachers and caring adults willing to bring nurturing touch into schools.

Our Vision

The vision of the Massage In Schools Programme is that every child attending school experience positive and nurturing touch every day…everywhere in the world.

The massage school

The massage school  ,you decide to attend will greatly impact your future career as a massage therapist, so it’s important to have all the facts before you enroll. If you have established you are interested in entering a massage therapy program, but aren't sure what to do next, we can help. We have in-depth school listings with detailed profiles that you can view for free. When you find a school or program that interests you on our site, you can contact the organization directly from the page for more information. Our goal here at is to make the process of becoming a practicing, professional massage therapist as simple and stress free as possible. You can also learn more about the massage industry on our massage training blog.

Massage therapy schools are surprisingly affordable, and their programs are designed to accommodate your busy schedule. Whether you want to train part-time while still keeping your current job, or are interested in a full time or even extended program, there are educational paths to suit your preference. Indeed, massage schools make it possible for you to earn your degree and certification the way you want, in the educational environment you choose.

Certified, licensed massage therapists are able to select from a wide range of employment options, have a flexible schedule, a competitive salary, and work in a field that deals directly with helping people to relax and heal. Not only is the occupation of massage therapist expected to add jobs at a faster than average rate between now and 20201 but it has also been named as one of the 50 Best Careers of 2011 by US News.2

Les bienfaits d’un massage thérapeutique

Les bienfaits d’un massage thérapeutique
Par opposition au massage de bien-être, le massage thérapeutique vise des soins d’ordre médicaux. Ces soins sont dispensés pour soigner et non pas pour détendre, notons d’ailleurs qu’en France seuls les masseurs kinésithérapeutes peuvent prétendre faire des massages thérapeutiques. Quels en sont les bienfaits ? Petit tour d’horizon sur ce que représente le massage thérapeutique.

Accueil du site > massage par type > Les bienfaits du massage > Les bienfaits d’un massage thérapeutique
Le massage thérapeutique, comme le suggère son appellation, est une méthode consistant à remédier à certains problèmes d’ordre physique ou psychologique par le massage. En d’autres termes, le massage thérapeutique n’est autre qu’une technique ayant recours au massage en tant que thérapie.

Qu’est-ce qu’un massage thérapeutique ?
On comprendra ainsi que le massage thérapeutique s’oppose au massage de bien-être. On notera d’ailleurs que pour répondre à cette vocation, le massage thérapeutique doit être effectué par une personne compétente : le thérapeute professionnel. Il n’en demeure toutefois pas moins qu’il est tout à fait possible de retrouver un ostéopathe ou un chiropracteur pratiquant ce type de massage sur leurs patients. Il est, d’ailleurs nécessaire de préciser que le massage thérapeutique doit, d’une manière générale, être prescrit par un médecin. Le massage thérapeutique peut porter sur certaines zones précises du corps ou sur le corps entier.

Pourquoi un massage thérapeutique ?
Un massage thérapeutique ne s’apparente en aucun cas à un luxe : c’est une nécessité à laquelle il est conseillé d’avoir recours. Par des pressions effectuées sur les parties à traitées ou sur l’intégralité du corps, ce type de massage peut, en effet, contribuer à optimiser la guérison d’une personne. Ce, car il a des effets bénéfiques sur les articulations ainsi que la circulation sanguine.

Par ailleurs, en plus de ses multiples bienfaits, le massage thérapeutique se présente comme un remède naturel. Il en résulte ainsi que, d’une manière générale, il n’engendre aucun effet secondaire.

Les bienfaits du massage thérapeutique
En conciliant bien-être et thérapie, ce type de massage engendre de nombreux effets bénéfiques. Le massage thérapeutique offre par exemple la possibilité de se relaxer et à se destresser. Parallèlement à cela, il remédie aux douleurs que l’on éprouve au niveau du dos, dénoue les tensions au niveau des muscles et optimise la souplesse au niveau des articulations.

Le massage thérapeutique active, en outre, la circulation sanguine. Il se présente ainsi comme l’une des solutions contre les varices ou encore les problèmes de jambes lourdes. Il optimise, par ailleurs, le fonctionnement de la circulation lymphatique. Ce qui a pour effet d’augmenter la capacité de l’organisme à éliminer les toxines. Le massage thérapeutique permet également de soulager la douleur, de guérir les problèmes respiratoires et d’optimiser le fonctionnement du système digestif.

Sur le plan psychologique, ce type de massage est prescrit pour guérir les dépressions et les stress

Répondre à cet article
L'information qui vous est fournie ici tente de vous apporter des renseignements pertinents sur un certain nombre de données dans le domaine du bien-être, de la détente et du massage. Ces renseignements vous sont transmis à titre purement indicatif et doivent être utilisés sous votre entière responsablilité. Ces informations n'étant ni complètes, ni exhaustives il vous appartient de procéder à toutes les vérifications nécessaires sous votre entière responsabilité et de les utiliser à vos risques. Ces informations ne pourront en aucun cas remplacer un quelconque diagnostic, avis ou traitement médical. Pour cela il vous appartient de vous renseigner auprès de votre médecin traitant.

Le massage thérapeutique

Les premières techniques de toucher thérapeutique remontent à plus de 5000 ans en Chine. On retrouve dans la tradition ayurvédique (Inde) différentes prescriptions de massage pour améliorer la santé du corps et de l'esprit. Nombre d’ouvrages médicaux font aujourd’hui référence aux bienfaits de ce type de massage et de nombreuses écoles spécialisées enseignent cet art à travers le monde entier.
L’intérêt du massage thérapeutique
Notre corps comprend environ 400 muscles. En complément des os et des articulations, ils sont indispensables pour produire le mouvement. Or ces derniers sont peu étudiés dans les écoles médicales modernes et les livres médicaux : les médecins ont pour habitude de se concentrer sur les os et les articulations.

Une attention toute particulière est aujourd'hui portée aux muscles et à leur système de récupération: les sportifs notamment ont un intérêt pour ce style de régénération musculaire, car leurs performances en dépendent. Mais le massage thérapeutique n'est pas l'apanage des sportifs, il est utilisé dans de nombreuses autres occasions.
Les effets du massage thérapeutique
En plus de procurer une réelle détente, le massage thérapeutique est efficace contre les malaises physiques causés par le stress : maux de dos, manque d'énergie, insomnie …

La différence entre le massage classique et le massage thérapeutique est que le premier est traditionnellement utilisé et conseillé en cas de douleurs musculaires, de crispation ou de stress, de mobilité réduite. Le deuxième a lui une action sur la peau, mais aussi sur la circulation, le système nerveux et digestif, le cœur, la fonction rénale…

Il procure un effet apaisant et agit sur le stress et les tensions musculaires ; utile contre la douleur, il favorise aussi une bonne circulation sanguine et agit sur les articulations.

On a fréquemment recours au massage thérapeutique dans le cadre du massage sportif : il améliore le tonus musculaire, l'oxygénation des tissus, la récupération musculaire.
Les variantes thérapeutiques
Il existe plusieurs façons d’introduire une dimension thérapeutique au sein du massage. Par exemple, le massage aux pierres chaudes qui s’inspire du massage sur chaise auquel on ajoute des pierres volcaniques chaudes ou froides. En effet, on utilise des roches de basalte pour accentuer l'effet thérapeutique du massage. Les roches volcaniques fournissent aux muscles tendus une chaleur profonde et permettent ainsi une relaxation curative maximale.

Le massage peut aussi être prodigué directement sur la peau avec de l'huile ou un gel de massage aux vertus bienfaisantes. L’adjonction d’huiles essentielles dans l’huile de massage accentue l’effet thérapeutique du massage.

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is massage which is offered with the goal of obtaining a therapeutic benefit. It differs from relaxation massage, performed to help someone relax. While therapeutic massage is often relaxing, the end goal of the session or series of sessions is not relaxation. This type of massage is offered at a number of spas and massage studios, and many massage schools teach therapeutic techniques to their students.

Therapeutic goals can vary considerably between massage therapists and clients. In some cases, massage is recommended by a health professional and may be performed as part of a larger treatment plan. For example, someone in physical therapy for an injury might have regular therapeutic massage to loosen muscles, improve muscle tone, and increase flexibility. Likewise, therapeutic massage can be used to supplement wound care, cancer care, and a variety of other treatments.

Psychotherapists may also utilize or recommend massage in their work. In addition to having physical benefits, therapeutic massage can also be psychologically beneficial and may be used to increase trust, promote relaxation as part of a therapeutic program, alleviate severe depression, or to treat other conditions. Psychotherapists might even recommend back to back massage and therapy sessions to facilitate psychotherapy.

therapeutic massage

Massage therapist and massage therapy business licensure post card renewal notices for the 2013-2015 licensure cycle were mailed in late November. Paper renewals marked "2nd Notice" were sent via regular mail to massage therapists and massage therapy businesses on January 9, 2013.
The online renewal window closes at midnight on January 31st. If you renew the license on January 31st, you are strongly encouraged to do so before 11:45 p.m. as the volume of renewal submissions is typically large on the last day of the renewal cycle. If you mail your renewal form and fee, it must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2013.
If you need a paper renewal form please contact the board office (see contact information on the Board's web page). When renewing online, please allow at least three (3) days for the renewal process to be completed as the vendor must verify licensure and payment information. If you have questions concerning the renewal process or need to email the board office, the email address is
Reminder: A licensee must complete at least twelve (12) hours of continuing education related to massage therapy and prior to the expiration date of the license. Continuing education hours can be obtained at seminars and workshops or through self study such as reading articles in textbooks, journals, online, or publications that relate to massage therapy. There are no specific categories or areas of study relating to CE that must be completed. Massage therapists must keep track of CE hours completed and are not required to submit continuing education documentation with the renewal form.
NOTICE - Senate Bill 30
Effective January 1, 2009 state agencies must require a statement of no tax due from the Missouri Department of Revenue before issuing or renewing any state license required for conducting any business where goods are sold at retail. This requirement was enacted in Senate Bill 30 of the 94th General Assembly (2007), and was signed into law by the Governor on June 13, 2007.The statement of no tax due will verify that the retail business has filed and paid all of its sales and withholding tax obligations. If a business does not make retail sales, it is not required to present a statement of no tax due in order to issue or renew a license.
For more information, please visit the Department of Revenue website at