How to Do Nail Art

Do Nail ArtLooking for a beautiful way to spice up your look? Nail art can complement your outfit for a special event or add a unique flair to your appearance every day. While very detailed nail art is best left to professionals, there are a number of techniques that you can do in your own home. With a little practice and a lot of patience, you, too, can create beautiful, unique designs to brighten up your nails.

Nail Art Basics (Preparation & Base Coat Application)

-Make sure your nails are in good shape. Learn how to keep your nails healthy and have beautiful nails. Your nails should not be bitten. You don't need a manicure to start creating nail art, but you do need to make sure that your nails are clean and shaped well enough that they look even.

Also make sure that your cuticles are nice and keep them from peeling.To make them soft you can use petroleum jelly.

-Choose the right products. There are a multitude of different paints and polishes available for nail art, and your choice of products is completely up to you. Experiment with a few different brands and types of polish or paint to see which you like best, and don’t forget to give acrylic craft paints a try — these work great and are a whole lot cheaper than nail paints or polish.
You’ll also be able to choose from a variety of implements to help you apply your paint. You can buy professional-grade nail art kits that include all the brushes, stripers, and marbling tools you’ll need, or you can improvise. A toothpick or bobby pin, for example, can help you apply dots and swirl colors with precision, and thin-tipped detail brushes available at your local arts or hobby store can work just as well as special nail art brushes. In addition, remember that you can create art on your natural nails or on artificial tips, and the variety of artificial nails is truly dizzying.
Perhaps most importantly, though, make sure you have pure acetone for quickly removing mistakes, and have a small brush and/or Q-Tips, makeup pads, or cotton balls available solely for applying the acetone.

-Look for ideas and techniques. This article is a good primer, but if you have trouble coming up with ideas after a while, or if you want to get more in-depth information about techniques, consider these options:
Taking a class at your local nail salon. Just a few hours with a professional teacher can advance your skills like years of practice.
There are also a number of books on nail art. You may be able to find one in your local library or bookstore, but if not, buy them online.
Finally, the web is a great resource, especially if you’re just looking for new ideas. There are several sites on which people post their latest creations, and you can also find a few forums frequented by beginners and pros alike. Also, watch videos on sites such as YouTube that show you step-by-step how to do certain designs.

-Get your materials ready. While nail art requires a lot of patience, you’re also constantly working against the clock when you’re creating it, since the paints and polishes dry fairly quickly. Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need ready and accessible, especially acetone for quickly removing mistakes.

-Give your nails a base coat. Before you begin your nail art you need to create your canvas. Depending on the look you’re going for, you can paint your nails a neutral color, such as clear, white, pale beige or pale pink, or you can paint them any other color you desire. You may also wish to divide the nail into two or three different colors. Do two coats, as it strengthens the nail and gives a better finish. Make sure your “canvas” is neat and even, and allow it to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

-Create your nail art on top of the base coat. Dip your brush or other tool in one color of paint to make sure the paint adequately and evenly covers it. If your brush has globs, excess paint, or not enough paint, you’re going to have trouble painting. Keep your art simple. There’s plenty of room for creativity — you can create pictures, abstract designs, etc. to your heart’s content. However, don’t make your nails look too “busy.” Simple designs are often the most beautiful, and if you’re a beginner your chances of success are far greater the simpler your art is.
-Apply a top coat. Once all your nail art is dry, paint over it with a clear protective acrylic top coat to seal and protect your nail and your hard work.
8Care for your art. Reapply a clear top coat every two or three days to protect your art and keep your nails looking shiny. Apply cuticle oil daily. Treat your nails with care — wear gloves when gardening or doing other work, and exercise caution when performing tasks such as opening soda cans, as they may damage your nails.

How to Paint Your Nails

Paint Your Nails
How to Paint Your Nails
How to Paint Your Nails

Paint Your Nails

Nobody wants to have boring nails. What could be a better way to express your personality than with a fun nail polish color? You can go for any effect you like with your nails, such as classic red, happy yellow, creative green or you can go plain and paint your nails black!. You can even make your polish match your outfit! With all this excitement, it's easy to skip over the fact that painting your nails yourself is sometimes quite difficult and time consuming. Though it is time consuming, it can add flair to any outfit! Read on if you'd like to learn some useful tips on painting your nails that you can use now or in the future!


-Choose a nail polish in the color of your choice. Bring it to your manicure area/table. If you would like, you can choose a sticker(nail art) to put on your nails also. There are hundreds to choose from.

-Gather some cotton balls, then use a orange wood stick. nail polish remover, towel, newspaper, and clear nail polish. Paint your nails in a well-ventilated room. The fumes can be extremely dangerous to your health.

-Take off any old polish if you have any, especially if it's chipped. If you don't have any nail polish on already, then swipe some nail polish remover over your nails before you begin painting to get rid on any natural oils on your nails. This will keep the color smooth and help the color last longer.

-Roll the bottle between your hands to warm the nail polish for about 25-30 seconds. Open it, and scrape some of the excess nail polish off on the side of the bottle. Don't shake it. Rolling the bottle keeps bubbles out of the polish and keep your nails smooth.

-Apply one coat of clear nail polish (base polish works best!). Allow it to fully dry to the touch before proceeding. It's okay if some of the color gets on your skin. Nobody will be able to tell since there's no color!

-Paint one stripe of color in the middle of your thumb or pinky nail. Then, paint a stripe on the left, continuing to the right. This subtly focuses the color in the middle of the nail. Remember to keep your hand steady. Don't worry if it looks too thin -- it's supposed to. Re-dip your brush into the bottle before starting the nail so the color is evenly distributed throughout your nails. Let it dry completely before adding your last coat. You may have to wait 10-20 minutes, so you may want to turn on your television or some music.

-Add another coat of color if desired, depending on the shade of color you want. Bear in mind that if you want a color very similar to the bottle you should paint two coats, but if you want a lighter shade then skip to the next step. Let this dry. Remember that the top coat is the one everyone will see, and the one that you'll feel. Keep that coat smooth!

-Paint a last coat of clear polish to keep the color lasting for at least one more week! This seals and protects the color.

-Wait for your nails to dry completely before doing anything else. You can watch TV while you wait. Try not to wave your arms or shake your wrists frantically in an attempt to dry your nails. This can tone down the shine in your nails. Enjoy your freshly done nails!

-Place a sticker on your nails gently. It's recommended that if you are going to do them on your thumbs to put it on the side of your thumb nail that you can see when you put your hand down flat.

-Get fabulous! If you want textured and fashionable nails to suit the glamours style for 2012, then put on a base coat and sprinkle some sugar on, this makes them look like you have had a REALLY expensive job done on them because the sugar turns into little crystals all over the nail and leaves a shimmering finish. And it comes off just like normal nail polish!


Painting with your opposite hand can be very tricky. Take your time painting that hand. If you get too fed up, then ask a close friend or family member to paint that hand for you.
To fix those annoying lines of polish next to your cuticles, take a cotton tip and dip the end in nail polish remover. Fix up that messy nail.
If your nail polish clumps up on your nail, remove it with the nail polish remover. If the nail polish is old, roll it between your hands to warm it up. Then, if clumping continues, put in a few drops of NAIL POLISH THINNER, which can be found at your local beauty store.
If your nails keep breaking and the nail polish makes them look gross, buy some nail hardening fluid (this can be found in the makeup section of drugstores, department store and chemist shops) which you apply before the nail polish. It will make your nails nice and strong so they look long and pretty when painted.
If you can find someone who will let you, practice painting someone else's nails until you feel comfortable enough to try it on yourself.
Nail polish remover will ultimately ruin a bottle of nail polish if used as thinner. Its compounds were formulated to break down nail polish for easy removal, so it should never be used as a nail polish thinner when nail polish begins to thicken in the bottle.
If you hate the nail polish smell, try going outside so you don't have that smell in your home.
You can use tape to keep you from getting nail polish on your fingers.
Do not be afraid to get a bit creative! With a little ingenuity you can create unique designs that will be the envy of your friends!

Always keep nail polish and other chemicals out of reach of young children.
Don't use cheap dark-colored nail polish without a base coat. It can dye your nails a gross yellow color. If you do though, one way to get the yellow away is to stick your (unpainted) nails into a lemon half. Make sure you don't have any fingernail cuts, though. It will STING!
Be careful with potential toxicity of nail polisher: read the safety instructions carefully and abide by them.
Some people from certain cultures or conservative or religious beliefs may find nail polishing unsavory.
Do not breathe fumes from nail polish or nail polish remover
Remember to always close your polishes so they don't dry out and your room doesn't start to smell and won't impact on your body/health

How to Get Spray Paint off Your Hands?remove paint nails?

How to Get Spray Paint off Your Hands?remove paint nails?
No matter how careful you are, when you paint, you are most likely to get spots of paint on your fingers, hands and fingernails. It is a good idea to wipe your hands with a towel as you paint, so that the paint will not cake up on your hands but somehow no matter what you do to prevent it, paint seems to cling to the fingers and hands.


-Take a hot shower as soon as you are finished with the painting.

-Use bar soap or liquid soap, according to your choice. Lather up a regular fingernail brush.

-Scrub your fingers as well as any paint spots that are on your hands with the brush so to get the paint off. Be gentle and do not dig heavily on your skin or you will irritate it.

-Attempt to get as much paint off from your fingernails, but if you find you can't then just leave it. After many other hand washes this will come off as well. (Try to take other showers through that day if the paint does not come off the first time.)


-Spray Carborator Cleaner on you hands. Do not let it soak wipe with paper towel. This trick is more for if you have large spots of spray paint on your skin.
-Wash the area with soap. It will sting your skin. Wash with warm water and soap then wait a minute for the stinging to quit. This might not work well if you have sensitive skin.


You can also coat your hands with liquid soap and let it dry before working with spray paint. It also works if you are working with stains, or grease. Having the layer of liquid soap on your hands will keep paint from sticking or soaking into your skin. Then clean up is easy with more soap and water.
Goo Gone® also works very well on fresh paint on hands and doesn't leave oily residue.
It is a good idea to wear gloves while painting.

La peinture acrylique les nuls

la peinture acrylique pour les nuls
la peinture acrylique 


je lis avec attention vos posts mais là je suis loin du compte...
Nous venons d'acheter un appartement dont la déco est hideuse.
Nous comptons commencer par le salon, à savoir: enlever le papier peint et mettre de la peinture à la place.
Les questions sont les suivantes:
1) dois-je louer une détapisseuse (juste pour une pièce) ou le produit à décoller vendu chez L.M. ou autres suffit-il?
2) un fois détapissé, je fais quoi? Et j'attends combien de temps avant de passer à la phase suivante? Je suppose que sous la tapisserie ça ne doit pas être tout prêt à être peint... il faut mettre de l'enduit, c'est ça? C'est bien un genre de plâtre qui bouche les trous?
L'Histoire de l'Art Pour Les Nuls3) j'ai lu sur un de vos posts qu'il faut passer une couche de je sais pas quoi avant d'attaquer les couches de peinture. C'est quoi ce truc? Je suis désolée de demander des marques, mais vu mon incompétence, je pense que vous aurez pitié de moi!
4) combien de temps ça doit sécher ce truc?
5) pour la peinture j'ai lu sur vos posts: d'abord le plafond, puis les murs. Et peinture pro acrylique ou glycéro, 2 couches.

Merci de m'aider! Au secours!!!!
Oula on risque d'affoler gabacholandia avec la méthode parfaite de subjectile.

On peut peut être faire plus simple pour un débutant avec la toile à peindre, pratique, pas chère et simple à poser.
Si tes murs sont a peu prêt corrects une fois que tu aura décollé l'ancienne tapisserie, tu peux coller de la toile de verre. Pas la peine de laver la colle tu encolle directement tes murs puis tu poses ta toile, attention à bien maroufler (chasser les bulles). 24 h après tu peinds directement 2 couche acrylique et c'est fini.

Ca n'aura sans doute pas le coté pro qui t'as été suggéré précédemment mais un enduit mal fait c'est encore moins beau.

RE : la peinture pour les nuls
euh... le papier à prindre ça ma fait assez peur... j'ai vu faire le peintre quand il a fait mon cabinet, et je ne vois pas comment j'éviterais les bulles...
Alors que passer un rouleau, ça je me le sens un peu plus.
Alors pour le décolage j'ai pigé. Nettoyer la colle à l'eau j'ai pigé. Mettre de l'enduit je devrais m'en sortir (c'est bien le machin blanc qu'on met avec un genre de raclette?), par contre poncer, ça je fais comment?
Et la sous couche, ça consiste en quoi? C'est une couche d'accrochage?
Merci de votre patience avec mes questions naïves! 
peinture pas si nul que cela
bon quand je parle d'enduit c'est un rebouchage ponctuel c'est pas un enduit complet
bon propôser de coller de la toile de verre a notre "pseudo" nul en peinture n'est pas judicieux.....
c'est pas top déco.....
par contre étant donné qu'il y a eu de la colle il faut une impression acrylique pour éviter de futurs écaillements
aquastral prim ou similaire
l'impression pour plaques de platre n'est pas asser solide dans ce cas
vous poncez acec une calle "velcro" avec du papier de verre no 80

Comment enlever son vernis correctement ?

Comment enlever son vernis correctement ?
Comment enlever son vernis correctement ?
Comment enlever son vernis correctement ?
Comment enlever son vernis correctement ?

Depuis quelques temps, nous assistons à un véritable raz de marée cosmétique !

Et oui, les vernis sont partout ! On ne voit qu'eux ! Qu'ils soient rose barbie, jaune poussin, noir, taupe, pastels, bleu électrique (et j'en passe...!), nous craquons toutes et nous les voulons tous, afin d'avoir LE vernis assorti à notre humeur ou bien à la tenue du jour !

Mais seulement, après quelques jours de pose, nos vernis ont tendance à faire la tête... ils deviennent ternes et commencent à partir. Du coup, nous voulons nous en débarrasser au plus vite !

Mais désormais un autre problème se pose... Comment enlever son vernis préféré sans que celui-ci déteigne sur le pourtour de l'ongle voire sur le doigt ? Sachant que bien entendu, vous avez LE rendez-vous (super important) à ne pas manquer 2 heures après...

Voici donc quelques astuces de pro pour ôter son vernis sans crainte ! Vous oserez ensuite toutes les couleurs, voire même les plus osées comme le rouge ou le bleu schtroumpf, et le tout sans stress !

Ce qu'il nous faut:

des ongles vernis (logique !)
du dissolvant sans acétone
des petits carrés de coton (pour se faire, découpez un disque à démaquiller en morceaux de 2cm x 2cm)
un coton tige
un soin fortifiant et nourrissant pour les ongles

Comment procéder ?

Pour plus d'aisance, nous démaquillerons une main après l'autre.

Empilez 5 petits cotons et imbibez-les de dissolvant.
Appliquez, un à un, les cotons imbibés sur les ongles, en exerçant une légère pression pour faciliter le démaquillage. Vous commencerez par le pouce pour finir par l'auriculaire.
Pour les retirer, appuyez sur le 1er coton (le pouce) et tirez-le vers le bas. Posez ensuite le coton sale du pouce sur l'index et recommencez l'opération pour le second doigt.
Continuez sur l'ensemble des doigts de la même manière.
Prenez maintenant un coton tige et imbibez-le de dissolvant.
Passez le coton tige sur le contour de chaque ongle afin de parfaire le résultat, en n'oubliant pas le dessous des ongles !
Voilà, votre première main est à présent démaquillée, passez maintenant à la deuxième en suivant le même procédé !

Vos deux mains sont maintenant parfaitement démaquillées.
Pour enlever l'excédent de dissolvant, nettoyez vos mains à l'eau avec du savon.
Appliquez ensuite un soin nourrissant et fortifiant spécialement adapté pour le soin des ongles.
Vos ongles sont donc au top pour une prochaine séance de vernissage !

Comment bien démaquiller ses ongles ?

Comment bien démaquiller ses ongles ?

Pour prendre soin de vos ongles et retirer votre vernis à ongles tout en douceur, pas besoin de vider votre flacon de dissolvant sur votre vernis. Voici quelques conseils pour retirer votre vernis à ongles comme il faut !
Les bons produits
- Oui, c'est vrai le dissolvant avec acétone n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus écologique. Mais il reste le dissolvant le plus efficace pour faire disparaître les teintes de vernis foncées. A l'inverse un dissolvant sans acétone devrait être suffisant pour les teintes les plus claires. Sachez qu'il existe aujourd'hui des dissolvants écolo ne contenant aucun produit nocif ou toxique.
- Du coton pour retirer le plus gros !
- Des cotons-tiges pour les retouches.
- Une brosse pour laver minutieusement vos ongles.
Les bons conseils
- Imprégnez votre coton de dissolvant. Posez-le sur l'ongle et maintenez-le pendant 5 secondes. Faites le ensuite glisser en partant de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur.
- Une fois le plus gros de votre vernis retiré, vous devez souvent faire face aux restes de vernis qui squattent les bords de vos ongles. Pour uneopération retouche, munissez-vous d'un coton-tige que vous aurez préalablement imbibé de dissolvant. Passez-le ensuite dans les moindres recoins pour effacer toutes traces de vernis à ongles.
- Pour afficher des ongles et des mains au top, terminez votre nettoyage par un coup de brosse sous les ongles pour y retirer toutes les bactéries qui peuvent s'y nicher.