
Ice Massage For Back Pain

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You've hurt your back before and have sworn that you will be more careful. However, unknowingly, you've just hurt your back again. Maybe this points to a chronic problem; and maybe, not. However, you should not hesitate to do something about your back pain.

Back injuries, and so pain, are often caused by muscle strains. Lifting an object that is too heavy or lifted wrong can cause strained muscles. They can also occur during athlete competitions, a fall or simply a sneeze ...


ice massage, back pain

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You've hurt your back before and have sworn that you will be more careful. However, unknowingly, you've just hurt your back again. Maybe this points to a chronic problem; and maybe, not. However, you should not hesitate to do something about your back pain.

Back injuries, and so pain, are often caused by muscle strains. Lifting an object that is too heavy or lifted wrong can cause strained muscles. They can also occur during athlete competitions, a fall or simply a sneeze that caused a sudden awkward movement. While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind one alternative treatment is ice massage.

Ice not only helps lessen the pain of a back injury but it also reduces the blood flow. This helps to lessen the swelling and potentially minimize any internal bruising. The goal of ice therapy is quite simply to promote healing of the injured area. However, ice massage for back pain must be used instantly once the pain begins.

There are many different forms the ice may take. You can pour a bunch of ice cubes into a towel and after folding it so that they don’t fall out use that. Or you can use store prepared cold packs. These are very useful land can be kept in the freezer so they are available to use whenever you need them. With these you want to be careful that they don’t split and leak the gel inside them, as this can be harmful to the skin. If you have neither of these options available to you, use a package of frozen vegetables; the best would be corn or peas, as the smaller vegetables will allow the package to more easily mold to the area.

Another useful idea to make ice massage easier is to take a paper cup, made from heavier material like Styrofoam. Fill the cup with water and freeze it. Then you peel the Styrofoam back enough to expose the ice and use it to massage the area. If you have recurring back pain, then maintain a constant supply of these cups in the freezer.

Ice massage is most effective if used over a period of time. Some professionals suggest limiting it to five to seven minutes while others allow from ten to twenty minutes. But all agree that if the area becomes numb, then you have to stop the treatment.

The area is gently massaged with whatever from of ice pack you’ve chosen in a circular motion. Make sure that areas where the bone is nearer the skin are avoided. This includes the spine when dealing solely with back pain, but would also take in the knees, elbows and shoulders. At first the massaged area will begin to feel cold. Don’t be surprised that when it starts to hurt. Your skin will turn a pinkish color before it becomes numb. Stop at this point in time. If you wish, you can repeat the ice massage several times throughout the day. However, for your next session, ensure that your back has already warmed up and become room temperature again.

Ice massage for back pain is an effective and safe method that you can easily do from your home. there are many specialized packs that you can buy. These often come in leak proof containers, which can be thrown into a gym bag, as they can remain frozen for eight to ten hours. Some are even weighted to increase the feeling of pressure during massage. These are easily available but often costly. Still, certain precautions are to be taken. Try not to leave the cold pack directly on the skin. It is preferable that you wrap the cold pack in a wet cloth even while using it. You should also stop the ice massage once the skin in the affected area begins to feel numb. Also if the treatment does not begin to show significant results after seventy-two hours, you should consult your healthcare provider.


How to Start a Career in Massage Therapy

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An informative article with advice on establishing a career as a massage therapist.


massage, massage therapy, massage techniques, massage tables

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Massage therapy can offer senior citizens a number of benefits that will greatly improve their sense of health and wellbeing. As the population continues to age, it is important to consider ways that we can work to improve the lives of those affected by the passing of time. A number of studies have shown that massage therapy can have a direct impact in managing the effects of aging. It has also shown promise in bringing comfort to those suffering from arthritis and other physical ailments.

As people age, they naturally become less active. This lack of physical activity can lead to the onset of other conditions which, if not dealt with, can greatly reduce their quality of life. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) has been promoting the use of massage therapy for some time now. According to a recent study, there is a general awareness of massage therapy but a lack of understanding of its direct benefits.

In the case of senior citizens, there are a number of benefits that be derived from therapeutic massage. According to the Touch Research Institute, it is extremely useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients, as it can facilitate relaxation and communication. In the case of arthritis sufferers, it can greatly assist in pain management and help increase range of motion. It also triggers natural joint lubrication, which is extremely important for those suffering from arthritis.

Massage therapy has also shown promise by helping to increase strength and muscle coordination. It can also greatly improve one's posture by reducing muscle tension, which has the added benefit of assisting seniors with a higher quality of rest. Massage has also been known to boost one's natural energy levels, along with their mental awareness. Study after study has shown that there is a place for massage therapy within the health care community.

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of massage therapy. In an age where the common approach to pain management has been dominated by the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, massage therapy has shown to be an effective and natural solution to the ailments associated with process of aging. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about the benefits of therapeutic massage, please visit the website mentioned below.


Health Benefits Of Massage Recliners

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After a long hard day at the office wouldn’t it be nice to get a massage. Unfortunately you have to first find a certified or licensed massage therapist. If you’re lucky and happen to know someone or have a regular therapist you work with, you still have to schedule an appointment. After you call and set the time you’ll have to get back into your car and drive to therapist’s office.

In today’s world most of us want instant gratification and have limited time in our hectic ...


massage,health,relaxation,stress,holistic,remedies,massage therapists,exercise,fitness,pain,back pai

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After a long hard day at the office wouldn’t it be nice to get a massage. Unfortunately you have to first find a certified or licensed massage therapist. If you’re lucky and happen to know someone or have a regular therapist you work with, you still have to schedule an appointment. After you call and set the time you’ll have to get back into your car and drive to therapist’s office.

In today’s world most of us want instant gratification and have limited time in our hectic life. If money was no object most of us would get a massage every week, or possibly two or three times a week.

Let me pause here for a moment. It is very ironic that I would be writing an article about massage recliners because I am a certified massage therapist. As a therapist my first goal is to help the client get healthy. Sometimes I refer a client to a chiropractor or to an acupuncturist that can better serve the clients needs. The same is true about massage recliners. With new technology massage recliners have advanced beyond clunky massage rollers to high tech massagers that can emulate the human touch.

There are many health benefits from a massage from a trained therapist or a massage recliner. A trained massage therapist knows how to get the kinks out of your back and relieve the muscle tension from everyday stress. Massage recliners have superior technology and do more than rub your back. New models from Human Touch, iJoy, Panasonic and Sanyo can also massage the legs, feet, arms and shoulders.

Health Benefits of Massage

* Improves lymphatic flow. The act of massaging and kneading the muscles increases blood flow. Health benefits are better circulation and absorption of nutritional elements into the muscles and tissues. In addition, kneading the muscles helps clear out toxins out of the muscles.

* Decreases muscle tension and improves flexibility. Body tension and stress causes the muscles to tighten and shorten. Health benefits include loosening tight muscles and restoring range and flexibility.

* Massage therapy produces the ‘feel good chemical’, the same endorphins that are increased after working out at the gym. This ‘feel good chemical’ helps speed recovery, reduces pain and reduces anxiety.

Another benefit seldom discussed is clearer thinking. When you are out of body pain and the range of motion is restored to your neck, your mind can better concentrate on your everyday tasks.

Rates for a massage therapist can range from $40 to $100 depending on the therapist’s level of training and the city they are located in. Massage recliners are not cheap and can cost thousands of dollars. But over time, a massage recliner can pay for itself and provide many health benefits. Other considerations of cost savings are other family members using the massage recliner. In addition, some massage recliners are very stylish and are a handsome addition to any home décor.

Another benefit of a massage recliner is the fact it is a recliner chair. Anybody who has ever sat in a recliner knows how comfortable it is. Even if you do not activate the features of the massage recliner, the recliner itself has health benefits. The simple act of just sitting in a comfortable chair relaxes your body and eases body tension.

It’s your choice. Buy a massage recliner or call a massage therapist. Either one that you choose will have many health benefits. To make your buying decision easy I’d suggest scheduling two or three appointments with a certified or licensed massage therapist. Then try several brands and models of massage recliners to compare results.

Copyright © 2006 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.


Breast Self-Massage is Simple

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What is breast self-massage? When should you do it ... and how? This short article discusses the benefits - and how to - of breast self-massage.


susun, susan, weed, herb, empowerment, tired, fatigue, energy, disease, breast, cancer, hrt, ert, UTI, flash, flush, hysterectomy, fibroids, fibroymyalgia, pregnant, pregnancy, fertility, infertility

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Breast self-massage is simple. Breast self-massage is pleasurable. Breast self-massage helps prevent cancer as well as detect it. Breast self-massage helps keep breast skin supple. Breast self-massage is a way to be intimate with your breasts. Breast self-massage is a piece of women’s wisdom. Breast self-massage is safe. Breast self-massage is free.

Many of the women I’ve talked with say they don’t do breast self-exams, though most think they ought to. No one wants to look for (or, heaven forbid, find!) cancer. We’ve been trained to avoid danger, and looking for cancer sounds like looking for trouble. Our bodies are influenced by what we think, so how can it be safe to spend time every month doing a breast self-exam, worrying if we’re about to find a lump? But we feel guilty when we don’t.

And what are we supposed to feel when we touch our breasts anyway? They feel full of lumps! Most of us aren’t sure how to touch or examine our breasts or what we’d do if we did feel something truly suspicious. Our guilt and confusion make it all even more complex.

Breast self-massage offers a way to let go of this tension and get in touch with yourself. This soothing, nurturing self-massage is a pleasurable and relaxing way to get to know your breasts. It avoids the worry of checking for cancer, while providing an excellent early-warning system should cancer arise. Regular, loving touching of our breasts allows us to recognize normal breast changes without fear, and gives us time to respond thoughtfully to abnormal changes. Breast self-massage is also a quiet, focused time that allows the Wise Healer Within (see page 83 of the book) to alert us to any changes that require our attention.

Infused (not essential) herbal oils are an important element of breast self-massage. When herbs are infused into oil, active plant components are liberated and can be massaged into breast tissue - where they help reverse abnormal cellular changes such as hyperplasia, atypia, precancers, and in situ cancers. It’s fast and fun to make your own infused oils (see page 297), or you can buy them (see page 75). But if you don’t have any, plain olive oil works fine.

If you already know breast self-exam techniques, let them inform your fingertips during your breast self-massage. If this is all new to you, take a few months to learn about your breasts with self-massage before doing breast self-exam. They complement each other: Let the pleasure of the massage infuse the exam, and let the effectiveness of the exam inform the massage.


Now. Anytime. All the time. Sure, your breasts are less lumpy at some times of the month. But you can do breast self-massage whenever you want, even if you’re lumpy. If the best time for you to pay attention to yourself is when you bleed, because that’s when you take time to be alone, then that’s the time to do breast self-massage. You could do it every week and get to know how your breasts change with your cycle and with the moon, but most likely you’ll do it every month. I like to do my breast self-massage when the moon is new.


First, make or buy some infused herbal oils or ointments. You’ll want several, as each offers unique benefits.

Then, create a comfortable, private place where you can lean back: in a warm bath or propped up with cushions in bed. (Protect linens and clothing from oil stains.) Arrange yourself there, bare-breasted, with your infused herbal oils close at hand.

Let your eyelids fall. Put your hands over your heart and hum. Cup your breasts with your hands and hum. Imagine or visualize energy streaming out of your nipples. Allow your breasts and heart to open and flow as you hum.

Open your eyes. Transfer some herbal oil or ointment to your palms. Rub your hands together briskly until they feel warm. Place them on either side of one breast and hum.

Cup your fingers alongside or under your breast, thumbs touching and up as high on the chest as possible. (If your breasts are very large, rest the right breast in the right palm and massage with the left thumb, starting in the armpit and moving toward the center of the chest.) Press in and slide your thumbs down toward the nipple, pressing the breast tissue into your fingers and palms. Stretch your thumbs up toward the collarbone again, but slightly farther apart, press in and slide down.

Continue until your thumbs are as far apart as possible (the middle of your chest and your armpit). Repeat, gradually increasing pressure, but only as long as it feels good. Caution: There is a slight possibility of spreading breast cancer through vigorous massage, rough handling, or very deep pressure.

Transfer more oil or ointment to your palms and rub your hands together. Cup your breast as before, thumbs up and touching. Hum. Repeat the previous pattern, but break up the stroke: Instead of a long, slow, smooth stroke, use your thumbs to make a lot of overlapping short strokes, gradually moving down the chest. Try various degrees of pressure.

Raise the arm of the breast you’re massaging, and put your hand behind you or on your head. If your breast leans to the outside, prop a pillow under that shoulder or lean over. Cover your breast with your free hand and hum.

Dip your fingers into your oil or ointment and, starting in your armpit, press the fingerpads of your first two or three fingers down with enough pressure to hold the skin, and make a small circle. Don’t let your fingers slide over the skin. Keep making little circles (with enough pressure to feel the underlying structures) as you trace an imaginary spiral from your armpit around and around your breast, growing ever smaller until you reach your nipple. (If it is difficult or impossible for you to use your fingerpads, use your palm.) Cover your breast with your hand and hum.

Curl your fingers into your armpit and gently grasp the ridge of lymph-rich tissues and muscles that extend from the shoulder down into the breast. Move up and down this ridge several times, using small squeezes or long glides or little spirals or your own strokes.

As you touch your breasts, imagine or visualize your fingertips emitting healing pink sparkles that embrace and nourish your breasts. Let your fingerpads sink deeply into your breasts. Allow any held distress to be soothed by the balm of the infused herbal oil/ointment. Let overactive energy be calmed by the rhythm of your fingers circling, circling, spiraling, spiraling.

Apply more oil or ointment with your fingerpads, making large gliding circles from midchest to under your breast, up toward the armpit and over and around, again and again, with a steady rhythm.

When you’re done massaging your breast, close your eyes and relax. Hum. Call to your Wise Healer Within as you hum.

Massage your other breast, starting from the beginning: Put your hands over your heart. Hum. Cup your breasts. Hum. (Is there a difference between the breast that has already been massaged and the one that hasn’t yet?) Rub your oily hands briskly together; hold either side of your breast and hum. Extend your thumbs and massage as before, including all of the previous strokes and ending with your eyes closed, relaxing deeply and allowing yourself to contact and listen to your Wise Healer Within.


After your breast self-massage, take a moment to record your experience. This will help you learn more quickly what’s normal for you. You can draw a map of your breasts to help you remember what you’ve felt. Try using colors. Write down any messages offered to you by your breasts or your Wise Healer Within. If you like, make up a little song to hum during your massage. The keynote in breast self-massage is pleasure.

Susun Weed

PO Box 64

Woodstock, NY 12498

Fax: 1-845-246-8081


Get A Massage In Sacramento

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Did you know that you can receive a Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage in Sacramento, California? Not only can you receive a Lomi Lomi massage you can also receive Shiatsu and other forms of massage in the State capital. So, if you haven't done it already you should put getting a massage in Sacramento on your list of things to do. So, whether you go to Sacramento for a business trip, an unforgettable vacation, or a family relocation you will want to receive massage therapy.


massage, sacramento, california, therapy, therapist

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Did you know that you can receive a Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage in Sacramento, California? Not only can you receive a Lomi Lomi massage you can also receive Shiatsu and other forms of massage in the State capital. So, if you haven't done it already you should put getting a massage in Sacramento on your list of things to do. So, whether you go to Sacramento for a business trip, an unforgettable vacation, or a family relocation you will want to receive massage therapy. Massage in Sacramento is widely available from independent Certified Massage Therapists, Massage Establishments, and a number of Day Spas.

Massage in Sacramento is something that is something you'll want to repeat over and over. Whether your goal is to completely relax with a slow, soothing massage, relieve muscular pain and chronic tension, have a more comfortable pregnancy, or improve your sports performance Massage Therapists in Sacramento can help you achieve your goals. In fact there are several types of Massage in Sacramento. The most commonly offered massage techniques in Sacramento are:

Lomi Lomi - a relaxing, flowing style of massage from Hawaii using long, broad caressing strokes. It's a stress busting massage that’s part of an ancient healing system.

Deep Tissue Massage - massage of the deeper musculature and connective tissue to release chronic tension and pain. It's often a firmer massage that is appreciated by experienced clients.

Shiatsu - a Japanese technique of massage that targets specific pressure points to relieve pain and improve the flow of vital energy.

Swedish Massage - relaxing massage using gliding strokes, kneading, friction, and striking strokes along with gentle stretching and rocking.

Aromatherapy Massage - a very relaxing and therapeutic massage incorporating the benefits of both massage and essential oils for an incredible effect you're going to love.

Pregnancy Massage - massage for the mother-to-be helping her to decrease pain and discomfort throughout the pregnancy.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - specifically used for decreasing swelling and edema as well as improving the circulation of the body's lymph. It's detoxifying and some think it improves the immune system too.

However, in addition to the more commonly practiced massage techniques your Sacramento based Massage Therapist might also practice some other well known massage therapy techniques:

Sports Massage

Myofascial Release

Medical Massage


Neuromuscular Therapy

Hot Stone Massage

You might even want to try a special treat when you get a massage in Sacramento like Couples Massage where a couple can receive their massage together in the same massage room with two massage therapists. During the couples massage each member of the couple can choose to receive a different massage from that of their partner. Or, for the true massage therapy enthusiast some Massage Establishments and Day Spas offer Four Hand Massage, or Tandem Massage, where you can be massaged by two massage therapists at the same time.

Massage in Sacramento is also very convenient to receive. Massage in Sacramento is available on an incall basis at a Massage Therapist's office, salon, or clinic, in a Licensed Massage Establishment, or in one of many conveniently located Day Spas. Massage in Sacramento is also available on an outcall basis in your Sacramento area home, office, or hotel. No matter where you are in Sacramento a great massage is just minutes away.

So what's stopping you from receiving the benefits of a great massage? Massage in Sacramento is relaxing, stress reducing, pain relieving, and performance improving so get one today.


How To: Quick And Easy Natural Massage Melts

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Massage melts are a unique body product because they stay solid at room temperatures, but when applied directly to your skin, start to soften and melt due to body temperature. Their main purpose is to moisturize dry skin, as well as, relax and soothe tight muscles.

Essentially, massage bars are composed of natural butters and oils. Most recipes for this type of product call for the use of cocoa butter. Even though it has great moisturizing properties, I feel this butter p...


herbal, natural, handmade, pioneerthinking, soapdelicatessen, beauty, soap, lotion, foot, shea

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Massage melts are a unique body product because they stay solid at room temperatures, but when applied directly to your skin, start to soften and melt due to body temperature. Their main purpose is to moisturize dry skin, as well as, relax and soothe tight muscles.

Essentially, massage bars are composed of natural butters and oils. Most recipes for this type of product call for the use of cocoa butter. Even though it has great moisturizing properties, I feel this butter produces too hard a product. Therefore, I recommend using such butters as shea and mango, which create a silkier, luxurious feeling to your melts.

For oils, I highly recommend using sweet almond and jojoba. Sweet almond oil is light and penetrates easily making it well-suited for dry skin conditions. Plus, it is effective on all skin types. Jojoba oil, which is not actually an oil but is a liquid wax, is similar in composition to the oil your skin secretes, which is known as sebum. Jojoba is a quickly absorbed oil that soothes the skin, as well as, extends the shelf life of other oils.

Other “light” oils you can substitute, for the above, are apricot kernel, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower, or soybean. Rounding out the rest of the ingredients are beeswax, vitamin E, and essential and fragrance oils.

Beeswax helps formulations keep their shape, as well as, act as a humectant. Vitamin E oil protects your product from rancidity and is also a great natural antioxidant. Essential oils are natural ingredients that are the very essence of the plant itself. Extracted from the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark, and roots of the plant, the oils are used for scent and therapeutic purposes. A word of caution, due to their volatility, research any essential oil before use. Fragrance oils, though synthetic in nature, do provide an inexpensive and easy way to achieve a scent that might not be possible with essential oils.

3 ½ oz. of shea butter
3 ½ oz. of beeswax
2 oz. of jojoba oil
2 oz. of sweet almond oil
¼ tsp. of Vitamin E

Mold(s) of your choice
1 digital cooking thermometer
2 Pyrex glass measuring cups
1 small digital postal scale
1 set of measuring aluminum spoons
Wax paper for measuring on the scale
Plastic wrap to cover Pyrex cups

Step 1: Gather all equipment onto a clean, sterile surface. Place a sheet of wax paper over the small digital postal scale to measure out the shea butter and beeswax base. Place base in a Pyrex cup and cover with plastic wrap. Melt ingredients, completely, in the microwave.

Step 2: While the base is melting, use the second Pyrex cup for your jojoba, sweet almond, vitamin E, and essential/fragrance oils (if used). Mix, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside.

Step 3: Once the base has melted, mix thoroughly. Pour the Pyrex cup from step 2 into the base Pyrex cup, mix together, and pour into your mold(s). Set aside for a couple of hours to cool and set. When soft, transfer the melts to the fridge until they are really hard. They should just pop out of the molds easily. Massage into skin and let product become absorbed. Due to melting properties, keep unused portions out of direct sunlight and store in a cool place.

Note: If you plan on using essential and/or fragrance oils in your recipe, place a digital thermometer in the melted shea butter and beeswax base. Wait for the temperature to drop down to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything higher will burn off the fragrant oils. After the temperature has reached this point immediately dump your Pyrex cup from step 2 into the Pyrex cup with the base, mix quickly, and pour into your mold(s). Follow the rest of step 3 instructions.

Muscle Relief Essential Oil Blend
½ tsp. of Eucalyptus
½ tsp. of Peppermint (do not use if pregnant)
30 drops of Rosemary

Tropical Fragrance Oil Blend (Substitute shea butter with mango butter)
½ tsp of Heliotrope fragrance oil
¼ tsp of Coconut Milk fragrance oil
30-50 drops of Tahitian Vanilla fragrance oil

All recipe ingredients, listed above, can be found by searching Google.com.


Demand For Massage Therapists Increases As Interest In Benefits Of Massage Creates More Converts

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Projections by the U.S. Department of Labor forecast employment opportunities for massage therapists to grow by 18 to 26 percent from 2004-2014.

According to the 2006-2007 Edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for employment for massage therapists will “increase faster than average” during the period from 2004-2014. The Bureau defines “faster than average” as “increase 18 to 26 perce...


health, massage, career,massage therapy,alternativehealth

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Projections by the U.S. Department of Labor forecast employment opportunities for massage therapists to grow by 18 to 26 percent from 2004-2014.

According to the 2006-2007 Edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for employment for massage therapists will “increase faster than average” during the period from 2004-2014. The Bureau defines “faster than average” as “increase 18 to 26 percent.”

Among the reasons for the growing demand for massage therapists, the publication cites “massage therapy’s growing acceptance as a medical tool.” Apparently, younger Americans appreciate the effectiveness of massage at reducing stress through relaxation and the growing segment of older Americans are experiencing specific therapeutic benefits. The willingness of the “medical provider and insurance industries” to recommend and cover the costs of massage therapy is another growth factor cited by the Bureau.

There are roughly 1,300 massage therapy postsecondary schools, college programs, and training programs throughout the country. After enrolling in a training program, massage therapy students study anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and other subjects covering the structure and function of the human body. Students must understand how the body works and moves and how the various systems relate and interact.
Students also train in the various massage types, or “modalities,” and learn the techniques associated with each form of massage offered by the training institution. There are dozens of unique approaches to massage ranging from techniques that focus on a specific area of the body to techniques that approach the body holistically and consider both physical and mental aspects of health and relaxation.

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that massage therapists held about 97,000 jobs in 2004. Most massage therapists are self-employed and own their own business. The balance are independent contractors or are employed by businesses that offer massage services. These include spas, health clubs, medical offices and sports organizations.

An aging population and broader acceptance of alternative medical practices will only increase the demand for massage therapists. Baby-boomers will carry their appreciation for message into their senior years and the elderly, in general, are recognizing the benefits of massage as a support for a more active lifestyle. Businesses have begun offering on-site massage to employees to help deal with on-the-job stress and help improve productivity. Health insurance companies are recognizing the contribution of massage to overall health and many are including massage in their coverage.

The outlook is bright for existing and potential massage therapists. The occupation offers a great deal of flexibility and an opportunity to operate independently. Income levels are fair and growing and the social aspects are quite attractive to those who enjoy helping and interacting with many different people. Enrollment in massage schools is on the rise and good schools, ambitious students and increased demand bode well for future massage therapists.


Get A Massage In Minneapolis

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Minneapolis, Minnesota is beautiful city blessed by abundant greenery and a vibrant economy. It’s also a progressive center for medical research, finance, transportation, music, engineering and higher education. Minneapolis is a great place to live or to visit. So, whether your stay in beautiful Minneapolis is for a business trip, a fantastic vacation getaway, or a career related relocation initiated by your company you might find you want or need a massage therapy session.


massage, minneapolis, minnesota, therapy, therapist, lomi, shiatsu, deep, tissue, swedish

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Minneapolis, Minnesota is beautiful city blessed by abundant greenery and a vibrant economy. It’s also a progressive center for medical research, finance, transportation, music, engineering and higher education. Minneapolis is a great place to live or to visit. So, whether your stay in beautiful Minneapolis is for a business trip, a fantastic vacation getaway, or a career related relocation initiated by your company you might find you want or need a massage therapy session. Massage in Minneapolis is provided by an abundant number of independent Certified Massage Therapists, Massage Establishments, and an ever increasing number of Day Spas.

Receiving a massage in Minneapolis is an experience that people from all walks of life find enjoyable and something they want to repeat over and over again. Whether your goal is to relax and relieve stress with a slow, soothing massage, relieve muscular pain and chronic tension, have a more comfortable pregnancy, or improve your athletic performance Massage Therapists in Minneapolis can help you achieve your goals. In fact there are several available types of massage in Minneapolis. The most commonly offered massage techniques in Minneapolis are:

- Swedish Massage

- Deep Tissue Massage

- Sports Massage

- Shiatsu

- Neuromuscular Therapy

- Hot Stone Massage

- Orthopedic Massage

- Prenatal/Pregnancy Massage

- Thai Massage

However, in addition to the most commonly practiced massage therapy techniques your Minneapolis based Massage Therapist might also practice some other well known and highly effective massage therapy and bodywork techniques:

- Medical Massage

- Trigger Point Therapy

- Craniosacral Therapy

- Chair Massage

- Acupressure

- Myofascial Release

- Aromatherapy Massage

- Hawaiian Lomi Lomi

You might even want to try a very special massage therapy treat when you get a massage in Minneapolis like Couple's Massage where a couple can receive their massages together in the same massage room with two massage therapists. Generally during a Couples Massage the massage therapists will permit a selection of massage techniques so that each of the massage recipients gets the right massage for them. Or, another option for the true massage therapy enthusiast might be the Four Hand Massage, also known as the Duo or Tandem Massage, where you can receive therapeutic massage by two massage therapists at the same time – it’s a great experience.

Receiving massage in Minneapolis is also very convenient. Massage in Minneapolis is available on an incall basis at a Massage Therapist's office, salon, or clinic, in a Massage Establishment, or in one of Minneapolis’ many conveniently located Day Spas.

Massage in Minneapolis is also available on an outcall basis in your Minneapolis area home, office, or hotel. Outcall massage in Minneapolis is a great way to receive your massage without having to travel after the massage. No matter where you are in Minneapolis a great massage is only minutes away.

So if you’re in living, working, or vacationing in Minneapolis what's stopping you from getting your massage? Massage in Minneapolis is relaxing, stress reducing, pain relieving, and performance improving so get one today...you'll be glad you did!