Resolved painted with electrostatic oil conditioners problems

Resolved painted with electrostatic oil conditioners problems

Varnish is an inevitable enemy of hydraulic and lubricating oil systems. However, its presence and impact on a machine can be solved by using a system of electrostatic oil filtration.

In addition to tar, sludge, varnish is one of oxidation by-products, a chemical process initiated by the friction and heat generated during operation of a hydraulic apparatus or the lubricating oil. This friction and heat cause the quality of the lubricating oil of a machine to deteriorate over time. Other factors contributing to the degradation of the oil include water contamination, the implosion of bubbles and electrostatic discharge mechanical filters.

Once this damage occurs, by-products of oil will begin to install the system. In time, these byproducts will attach to the surfaces of a machine, forming the sticky coating known as varnish. The presence of varnish also attracts other contaminants, forming an abrasive surface of the piping, valves, filters and other components that are essential to the performance of a machine.

Some performance problems caused by varnish that can lead to heavy Maintenance costs include:

• Draw directional valves and other moving parts
• Acceleration of wear caused by an accumulation of contaminants in varnishes
• Increased friction, heat and energy
• Reduced efficiency of the filter

Conventional methods of cleaning and testing of oil analysis

Despite advances in technology and hydraulic oil lubrication system, nail problems remain a threat performance of old and new machines. In addition, oil analysis tests have proven their reliable evidence or limited at best in determining levels of varnish potential of a machine.

As to remove existing contaminants, conventional cleaning methods, such as detergents, mechanical filters and vacuum dehydrators have had mixed results. These methods are effective in removing water and large hard and soft contaminants. However, the molecular size of the by-products responsible for the formation of varnish is too small for removal by these methods.

In addition, the oil passing through the mechanical filter media was found to produce static electricity, which can cause electric shock and accelerate the oxidation of the oil leading to a failure of the hydraulic system.

Electrostatic oil conditioners

Electrostatic cleaners are effective to reduce the presence of contaminants and the two sub-micron size products of the oxidation of oil in the hydraulic oil and lubricating circuits. The most effective filtration systems use oil electrostatic force gradient, which allows it to take advantage of the natural contaminant load that each has to attract them to the sensor surfaces of opposite charge. As the oil flows freely through the system, Kleentek removes impurities, submicron particles, dust, dirt and oxidation of oil products including tars and varnishes. These contaminants are trapped on collector surfaces for easy disposal.

During the installation of electrostatic oil conditioners Kleentek, oil is drawn from the main tank at low speed in the electrostatic collector continuously removes submicron and larger contaminants from the tank. As the oil cleaned from the tank is circulated through the lubrication system, it will then begin to strip the sludge, varnish and other contaminants on the inner surfaces throughout the system. Electrostatic filtration systems of high quality have been known to solve performance problems associated varnish, such as valves stuck, in as little as fourteen days.

The end result is a machine courtesy operating high performance filtration system oil which requires minimal maintenance and replacement of the casual collector.

J. Topmiller, Technical Sales Manager at United Air Specialists (UAS) is the author of this article on electrostatic oil and their use in the filtration of oil conditioners. UAS manufactures Kleentek conditioning systems electrostatic oil, which feature an innovative design that uses the principles of electrostatics to collect oil oxidation, tar and oil varnish contaminants....