tantrique massage

Résumé de la vidéo
Au-delà des tabous...
Vidéo en streaming.
Apprendre à donner et à recevoir : À l'écoute de votre corps et de celui de votre partenaire, cette vidéo vous permet de découvrir les secrets du massage Tantrique racontés et expliqués dans une douce initiation pour enfin connaître le précieux mélange de techniques occidentales et orientales.

Au-delà des tabous : Un divin massage qui vous aidera à retrouver l'harmonie de votre vie sexuelle et amoureuse. Sans tabou, toutes les postures sont enfin racontées, expliquées. Le corps de votre partenaire est un temple que vous honorez.

Le tantra invite l'amour, la beauté, la joie et la spiritualité
dans nos relations.

Douceur et Chaleur : Le massage tantrique s'intéresse aux trois plans : physique, émotionnel et spirituel. Vous retrouvez enfin ce sentiment d'unité et d'harmonie avec votre corps et celui de votre compagnon. Laissez la douceur et la chaleur vous envelopper. Évacuez le stress de la vie quotidienne, retrouvez bien-être et plaisir...

Le Secret des Techniques : Incluant toutes les parties du corps, vous découvrez un travail sur les sept Chakras. Pour vous réénergiser et retrouver l'harmonie avec le corps de l'autre. Cette initiation au massage sensuel convient parfaitement aux couples mais aussi aux hommes et aux femmes qui sont célibataires et souhaitent aussi faire circuler leur énergie sexuelle.

Instants de Sensualité : Découvrez votre vraie intimité par le Massage Tantrique qui devient le préambule à de doux moments de sensualité. Révélez votre sensualité et votre force vitale, débloquez vos tensions et noeuds émotionnels... Le massage tantrique vous emmène au pays du plaisir pour redécouvrir les sensations positives du toucher, la douceur des caresses.

Pour votre bien-être, votre plaisir et celui de votre âme soeur...
Télécharger ou voir le DVD Tantrisme massages et plaisirs intimes en VOD.

grenoble Massage

grenoble MassageMassage bien-être à GrenobleSuite à un déménagement de la ligne téléphonique, le numéro 04 76 26 21 88 n'est plus valide pendant quelques jours.
Joignez-moi par téléphone au 04 58 00 16 64 ou contactez-moi sur la page contact du site !massage bien êtrePassionnée et dynamique, je vous propose une palette de massages de détente, au coeur de Grenoble.
Disponible toute la journée de 9h à 20h, je m’engage à pratiquer un massage de qualité, ajusté à votre demande, et à créer une atmosphère de détente pour vous procurer une relaxation maximale.
N’hésitez pas à naviguer sur le site pour découvrir les particularités de chaque massage que je propose, choisissez-en un, et appelez-moi pour prendre rendez vous ou pour tout renseignement complémentaire que vous ne trouveriez pas ici.

rosely grenoble

rosely grenoble

Actuellement la pression engendrée par le travail et les contraintes est énorme. De ce fait vous êtes plus enclins à souffrir de stress, d’insomnie, de fatigue et de migraines.
Notre méthode déjà présente dans les écrits des premiers mandarins,s'appuie sur un savoir faire traditionnel chinois vieux de 2000 ans.
Notre massage stimule les points d'accupuncture.Il libère les tensions et procure une sensation de bien être.
Aussi, nous vous accueillons, dans nos lieux pour vous assurer un moment de détente et de relaxation par le biais de massages pour un voyage du corps et de l’esprit...

Ce nouveau salon de bien-être est proche du cours jean Jaurès à Grenoble, près du pont du marché de l’estacade."

Horaire: 09 :00-23h00 7J /7

Adress:1 Rue Etienne Marcel, 38000, Grenoble
Tel : 04 56 00 84 39


Photos Vivastreet Massage Asiatique Traditionnel Grenoble

Prix : 50€/1 heure
Type de l'offre : massage indien, californien

Prix : 50€/1 heure
Type de l'offre : massage chinois, thailandais

Prix : 55€/1 heure
Type de l'offre : massage pierres chaude/l'huile chaude

Prix : 40€/1 heure massage des pieds(réflexologie)

Prix : 90€/1 heure (pour deux personnes)
Type de l'offre : massage couple

Prix : 100€/1 heure(PROMO!!)
Type de l'offre : massage soin du Royal(4 mains avec pièrre chaude)

Rosely bien-être d'asie
A journey of body and spirit
Massage originated from ancient Asia thousands of years ago, help you to relieve tension, stress, anxiety, body pain or uncomforted problems, etc.

With or without appointment
09am-11pm, 7 Days a week

Tel: 0456008439

1 Rue Etienne Marcel
38000 Grenoble

Treament availble:
Relaxation massage 50€/h
Traditional Chinese Massage 50€/h
Hot oil massage 55€/h
4-Hand Massage 100€/h
Feet massage 40€/h
Massage of feet and body 90€/1.5h
Massage for two people 90€/h
proper massage table
soft music
Clean shower

We offer service to both genders

Orgasme involontaire

Orgasme involontaire

Regardez la mannequin Tasha qui se fait faire un massage de la chatte lent, sensuel et délicieux et prenez-en de la graine.

Tasha prend terriblement son pied pendant que la masseuse caresse doucement son con et ses seins encore et encore.

Tasha n'est peut-être pas une "crieuse" mais vous serez convaincu par son orgasme puissant en la voyant respirer de plus en plus vite et lorsque la masseuse montrera des évidences de sueur... entre les jambes de Tasha.

 téléchargez le 1.9 GB film en taille HD ou 804 MB en taille normale sur votre ordinateur

licenced MT

I am interested to hear from a licenced MT on this question. I have never had the problem of ejaculation during massage, never. I used to have therapuetic/relaxing massage regularly for many years and have only handful of times gained an erection (even then very slight) but to reflect on some of the other posts and comments I can also say probably 50% of time there has been some accidental touching of either testicles or penis (so it can and does happen) and only once did I suspect it might have been deliberate (although quick and slight.
To ask my question:
For the last 12 months or so I have suffered from lower back, leg and ankle pain. I have very flat feet, which I suspect helps exaggerate the problem. My chiropractor(s) say my hips are out of alignment and I often have chiropractic work to help correct this.
The problem is that the chiropractic work is defo more effective a day or so after a "sports" or heavy massage...and again afterwards...this can mean 4 to 6 weeks of virtually pain-free living!
I went to a "sports" massage therapist (always female, I get too uncomfortable with a male) every week to 2 weeks and she found that what worked best was a full hour on lower back, glutes (lots on the glutes and deep too)which would include massaging deep along even the "crack" of the glutes, and the front & back of the thighs (am I correct in calling this the quads?). Obviously it calls for treatment/touching all over the bottom and high inside the thighs.
As this area is "close to the mark" it is difficult to ask a new therapist to work hard on these areas if at all. I find locally (and from memory) that therapists here do NOT usually in the course of a normal massage work on these areas at all or just slightly. These days I only have time to have a massage to help with my pain, so always this is what I would want the full hour to be about. I had the same woman for many months and she knew exactly what to do and where to do it, and although it was painful as said I would be pain-free for weeks afterwards.
She has now emigrated and I am searching for a new regular therapist...and it's alsways very akward to describe what I need and they very often don't do it right until towards the end (if at all), and after several prompts from me, they final get the thumb or elbow into the glutes and feel what it is I am talking about! Twice I've had a therapist go on for an extra half-hour as they frew-frewed the first half hour with hot stones etc!
I have tried learning al the medical terms to describe what I need, in the hopes they take me seriously from the get-go. I have also had therapists "refuse" by nodding but then not doing it.
The last woman I visited (I live in a rural area and have to drive a good hour to get to her)was one who gave me the extra 1/2 hour after realising there were real knots and tension in there...but I felt bad that she might have been embarassed...when doing the fronts of my upper thighs the towel slipped (due to her pressure/stroke) and she'd been nervous of doing my glutes too...having me wear boxers and then remove them as they were in the way and getting soaked in oil...but when chatting at the end of the massage she said I would need another 3 or 4 sessions and she held the toes of my foot whilst talking (so maybe NOT embarassed?).
I also travel alot and frequenty need help after a long-haul in economy class!
Whats the best way to properly brief a MT and not sound like a pervert who wants his butt/thighs massaged?
BTW, when done properly I usually have to grab the legs of the table to stop from jumping off! It DOES HURT!

I'm so glad to have come across all these posts about this problem.

I'm so glad to have come across all these posts about this problem.
I had a massage in a shopping centre only a few days ago. Here in Australia, as is probably common in a few other countries, there are these high turnover Chinese massage shops, which have several people working and being massaged in a small area, these shops are quite exposed to onlookers and passers by.
After receiving a neck and shoulder massage the first MT talked me into getting a full back massage as I was so tensed up. I accepted and he referred me to his co-worker who was a big Chinese bloke.
I go into the massage booth; a flimsy curtain is drawn, which still allows the public to watch as it does not cover the whole entrance. The big bloke asks me to slip of my shoes, but leave my jeans and shirt on.
He had towels on the table and covered me with a cotton sheet to massage me through.
While he was massaging my right buttock all the sudden I felt a warm sensation and in not time had a full erection coming on. I thought to my self, what the hell is going on here! No matter what I thought of I could not make my hard-on disappear. It was like he triggered a g-spot and had released a surge of warm blood directly to my penis. Before I knew it I had cum in my pants with my jeans on!
You could imagine my embarrassment as I had a huge wet patch on the front of my pants. I lay there thinking this is just not happening, it must be a bad dream. When the massage finally finished I bent over and put my shoes on, quickly grabbed a bag of shopping I had and held it in front of my pants, paid and left. Leaving behind a tell tale wet spot on the towel on the massage table.
I could not work out why I had cum in my pants, I'm a married man and not gay, the guy was a big unattractive person and I was a very public place.
I had to hold the bag in front of my jeans, dash in to Kmart and buy some new undies and jeans and get changed in the shopping centre toilets.
What a dreadful experiance.
I'm so glad I found all these posts; it has cleared my mind as I was very confused. I agree with the trigger spot theory in my case as this was a very quick arousal and ejaculation.

Massage Therapist

"Younger PROFESSIONAL?" Not in a million years. What this amateur calling himself a Massage Therapist did was beneath contempt. He was just a cheap hooker. Whatever "credentials" he claimed were voided the moment he touched your genitals.

Two months ago I booked with a male physical therapist because of lower back pain. He checkied my posture before I completely disrobed. Then he handed me a towel if I would be be more comfortable covered. I declined and lay down on the table. He proceeded to give me the best message,and it felt great. As he proceeded down my lower back, and over my butt, I began to feel that it was becoming erotic. He would touch brush over parts of me but ask if I were comfortable with that and I said I;m fine. I was afraid I would get a a full erection. Eventually when he asked me to turn over, I was partially there and apologizd for that. He said not to worry..it happens often. He proceeded to massage my front body including my inner thihgs and always brushing my penis and scrotum. I lay there trying not to get erect, but it was a losing battle. He asked me quietly then would I like to have oil massaged on me everywhere. I answered sure, just then clueing in that he was offering me my very first such experience. He masturbated me gently and of course I ejaculated soon after. He smiled and said I was obviously now more relaxed rhan when I came in, and by golly, I was. He told me the last part was confidential. I agreed. He then complimented me on the good shape I was in, which flattered me coming from a younger professional. (I am considerably older than he). I wasn;t sure even then whether this was a customary service or special for me. His credentials were pretty impressive. I have been back twice, and it has only got better, but the massage itself on all my body has been amazingly effective. I feel nothing but gratitude for this young man. This is also the first time I have spoken of it.

massage thai orgasme

massage thai orgasme
massage thai orgasme

I am a massage therapist of 3 years. I had a client in my office, a male of 22 years of age. It was a normal massage as I always give, but at the client's request, I used a very small towel just over his genitals, beause he informed that the tops of his thighs we very sunburnt, and they were. I had two towels that were small, and he chose the smaller of the two, which was actually a wash cloth.
For the back, while he ;ayed face down, no draping was used, as I do the glutes anyway. After I had him turnover onto his back, I noticed he was very erect, and I layed the wash cloth over the erection, and continued the massage on the front. The cloth was barely covering him because of his erection with had the towel up off of his bo dy.
At onepoint while massaging the inner thighs, the towel slide off and to his side, and might as well been non-existent at this point. Admittedly I was a little aroused, as I have never had this type of experience in any of my massages.
I grazed his testicles and penis many times, making it appear accidental. I let my forarm rub over his erection on the shaft while I did his abdomen and I did notice a stream of sperm oozeout and run down his penis as I felt it on my arm. I could see hispenis pumping up and down as well.
I cleaned it off casually when he had finished. We never mentioned the orgasm.
It was an experience that I think about often when I myself masturbate. I am not gay or bi or anything like that, it was just erotic to me.

Derrick: You might as well be a Hooker. By pourposly causing ejaculation is completly unprofessional and you should have your licence, certification and any other dignified title revoked. Did you ever think that mabey the guy you were giving the massage to was embarrassed? You disgust me.

If any one else was wondering there is a move in Thai massage that can be performed just on the inner thigh with a quick chopping action with the medial (Anatomical position) border of your hand right at the joint where the Femur joins the pelvis. Quick with medium to firm pressure will allieviate the erection and will avoid embarrassment for the client and the therapist.